Friday, August 31, 2007

...... since when has lap dancing been something a Mum/Wife does???

I will try and make this short! I really could go on and on and on about this!

My step bro, married the bitch about 3 years ago, the bitch had child Olilollipop (yes they have given him that fucking stupid nick name)

Over time they have had less and less to do with the family, she has spent all his money, stopped him from seeing all his friend and his life revolves around her. (trying to keep it short, so loads missing)

She has no friend apart from her mother and has been Daddy's little girl all he life, so very spoilt. She has also done some horrible and said some horrible things about most of my family but we have all let it ride as we didnt want to fall out. Good job she never crossed me as i wouldnt have been so kind!

When she first started seeing my step b she was over weight, just after they got married she joined weight watchers and became one of their great success stories. They had lollipop and had to rejoin, since lollipop was born she has become a plastic woman, granted she looks great but must take some maintenance! She has long brown hair, big blue eyes, thin, tanned all the time and big plastic talons (nails). Well she has a ego up and over the hills now!

Right the point of the story is that, she has been caught cheating on my step bro. He did have suspicions but had never followed them up. Well she has been cheating with a 21yr old and she's 31yrs old! So step bro left, after time away decieded he wanted to sort it out! MUG!!!!

During the time he was away he's been talking to step sis, who has found loads out! She has a bar job but no one had ever seen her, well no they bloody wont have because she hasnt a bar job! She's a fucking lap dancer! and even better is that he agreed to let her do it as they were skint! AND NOW REGRETING IT! Oh and they have a pole in the garage for her to practice on!

We now think she neglects lollipop he gets left in his cot for hours on end, when she telling people he sleeps till 10am! He doesnt eat normal food at 20months and still has baby milk, never play with other children and only ever goes out shopping!

Oh and the lap dancing earns her £160-£180 per week for 2nights, that nearly what i earn for £30hours!!!

Since this all kicked off she hardly seen lollipop, shes been at her mothers. She has gone from been a full time Mummy to a non-existant Mummy! Shes seen him 2/3times in a week and shes had him over night once! Fucking once, this is not normal in my opionion!

I am ranting on here as i am trying not to get too involved. I am so anoyed!! I am not prude, if she had of been a lap dancer when she met him then it wouldnt be so bad but to take it up at 31yrs old is bizare!

Most of the full story is on my secret blog


Former Party Girl said...

wow! i have a sister in law who sounds very similar to this one! some people are just trash.

FingRockStar said...

OMFG! Keep us posted, this is going to be very interesting. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that bitch being a family member. Know that you are supported here. :0)~

Anonymous said...

Well I see this was a story of August of 07 but I'm still gonna leave a comment. Okay,...this bitch sounds like my sister inlaw that took my bro away from the family and thinks she is so fuckin high class and wastes my bros money. But about her making 160-180 a week is impossible. I'm a dancer and I make about 600 a night at the club. So maybe she is waitressing or something. Any about her not seeing her son, that just WHORE! I dance 2 times a week and I have my son every single day. So she needs to get her shit together. It's been about a year since this story was posted, so maybe she is not being selfish anymore.