Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...What I Am Going To Do

Posted By: Gossip Girl 007

First of all THANK YOU all for taking the time to comment on my post about "difficult friend", it really helped me reach my decision. I my gut was to delete her email and not reply. But I'm going to reply to her email and be as nice as possible while making it very clear the reasons why we drifted apart.

But since this has happened in the past I am prepared for her reactions which will include her getting mad, telling me I am not the person she thought I was (whatever I know who I am) and pretty much calling me a bad friend. I'm sure she will remove me from her myspace -- the funny thing is I probably wouldn't notice! LOL!

I'll let you know how it turns out in the next few days! THANK YOU again!


Sassy said...

Very good. Just don't take any negative that she says to heart. You are a good person.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that she won't be a total lame-o about the whole situation!