Wednesday, August 22, 2007

...The Scale

Posted by: Gossip Girl 007

Thank you my anonymous friends for the encouragement. I did go to my WW meeting last night and it wasn't so bad. Having not been there on a regular basis for a month I was only up 2lbs. That's really not bad because I know I indulged in way more than 2lbs of food in the last month. It's funny because the meeting topic was about "the road to success". It was encouraging and I made everyone laugh when I said I fell off my success road.

So here I go my 1,643,689 time on WW. I exaggerate it's only like my 5th or 6th time starting over. At least I'm doing it!


Sassy said...

Exactly, at least you are doing it and 2lbs can come off in a week easy. Just stick to it and work out and you will see the results. I know you can do it!! :)

Rad Ponytail said...

yes! at least you are doing it. i always talk about losing weight but hardly ever do (mostly because I've been prego for almost 3 years straight)

kudos to you for taking the initiative! best of luck!