Friday, August 24, 2007

...Making Plans

by: Rad Ponytail

I have a friend (read: mother) who is driving me NUTSO! I am not really an anal person. I only consider myself to be like 40% type A. I like to make plans, I like to know what the day is going to be like. Especially because I have a toddler and am also like nine hundred weeks pregnant. But can my said friend oblige me by simply making a meeting time? Nooooooooooooooooooo! It’s always like “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow morning” or “I can’t really say what’s gonna happen between now and then.” my friend has a crazy controlling husband who requires her to go through him for every decision that she makes. And I used to let her slide because of that. But now I am married, have my own life, family, business, responsibilities, and I see that is a total bunch of BS. Just grow a pair already and MAKE PLANS. It’s not hard. You just pick a time and then be there by that time. I’ll even allow 15 minutes leeway. I realize that being impulsive and spontaneous is fun and exciting when it comes to dating or vacations or whatever. But for the love of Pete, I am begging her to just FREAKING figure it out already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That would irritate me to no end as well!