Thursday, August 23, 2007


By: rad ponytail

its no big secret that i have some indulgences. magazines, clothes, coffee. whatever. better than what it used to be cigarettes, weed and booze. so i find it really annoying when one of my current splurges lets me down, continuously.

at starbucks this morning, i decided that i wanted a bran muffin. the guy informs me that they don't have have any.
carrot? no.
mixed berry? no.
apple scone? no.
banana walnut loaf? no.
lemon poppy loaf? no.

all they had was zucchini walnut. (which actually turned out to be good.) but WHY HAVE IT ON THE DRIVE THRU MENU IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT? that's all i am saying. i am seriously considering switching to the coffee bean. they have bomb bran muffins.

(now is when people ignore the main intention of the post to be shocked that the starbucks in Cali have drive-thrus. )


BOW DOWN said...

seriously i think every single thing i've ever written about starbucks has been overshadowed by the oohs and awws (and a few screams of jealousy) that reno has drive thrus SOOOORRRRYYY!

ooh and my favorite are the petite vanilla scones..pardon me while i drool

Gossip Girl 007 said...

my startbucks has "green" croissants...YUCK! That was a pleaseure to bite into!

Coffee is still good I love my coffee frappuccinos with whip cream...YUMMY! I get my baked goods elsewhere!

Ms. Dirty Laundry said...

Some Starbucks have chocolate croissants (croissants with chocalate in the middle), they are a million calories but worth every darn one...I just wish they all carried them. And I miss the old time original coffee cake!