Monday, August 27, 2007

...oops! my name

Posted by: FingRockStar
Hahahaha ( I can't stop laughing over this one)
So...I was talking to my hubby and his friend (one that I'm not to fond of) this weekend, they were reminiscing about the "old days"
(some not-so-good choices)
He says: "Yeah, I was a fucking rock star" meaning he was a crack-head a long long long long time ago. So thinking to myself, "Oh god!" "That was the name I CHOSE on this blog!"
I just wanted everybody to know (laughing at myself now) that I'm not a crack-head, and I have never seen the stuff in real life!! When I chose this name it was because I enjoy rock music, not the mind altering drug. Hahaha

I feel so silly.
I never put two & two together until this weekend. DUH!
*bows head in comical shame*



Anonymous said...

i never put that together either. i just called crack heads-crack heads! so i think you are safe

Anonymous said...

I never would have thought your name meant "crackhead"...I thought you LOVE Rock music or you are a Rock Star!

That is funny though!

FingRockStar said...

I DO LOVE rock / heavy metal..
hahaha that's why I chose the name, but then I had to go and listen to my hubby....

Sassy said...

That is pretty funny. I never would have known that...or thought of that.

Anonymous said...

Yep- never occurred to ME that that was a crack-head reference... I think you're safe!