Monday, August 27, 2007

...Skank Bitch SHIT

Posted By: Snow Bunny

In my office there is a particularly vulgar person that has recently began working in our call center. She is MUCH older than the rest of the girls that work there (she is probably in her mid-to-late 40's while the rest of the girls are EASILY under 25)... she is uneducated (BIG TIME), wears completely inappapropriate clothing (think old fat and wrinkly wearing something more well suited for someone young, fit, and HOT and GOING TO A CLUB), she has No MANNERS, no professionalism, no skills and is just dumb as a rock. Ignorant as all hell and sooo annoying.

Example #1: My sister works in the same room as this person, and one day my sister was having a conversation with their supervisor about how ignorant people sometimes think that just because a person is black and doesn't speak English that they must speak some kind of African language, when in fact, black people exhist all OVER the world and speak all KINDS of languages... Well, Ms. ANNOYING hears my sister say this and then goes into their MANAGER's office and tells him that my sister is racist and says that "All Black People Come from Africa" when in fact, my sister was saying the OPPOSITE. So my sister gets called into the manager's office along with her supervisor and they both get asked about the comments they made and of course the defend themselves and it all blows over... but COME ON! What is the woman thinking?! What a freaking pot-stirring bitch! Now the one black woman in their office is all pissed off and thinks she can sue the company because my sister makes racist comments (more ignorance) and my sister now wants to quit and I think this is all ridiculous.

Example #2: I am in my office on the phone with my insurance company. I notice that someone from Milwaukee is calling me and I send it to my voicemail as I cannot interrupt my phone call because I am giving this woman important personal information... So Ms. ANNOYING comes over to my office door out of the blue and just stands there... I tell her I will be a few minutes. So instead of her going away and coming back when I am off the phone, she just STANDS THERE for like 5 minutes staring at me while I am giving out all of my personal information and credit card info and shit... UGH! Then when I am off the phone all she says is that she has an angry customer on her line... I'm like "Thanks I will pick him up." Like WHAT THE FUCK!? Could she NOT just tell him that I was on the phone and he would need to leave a message and I would call him right back? I understand that he was mad, but so fucking what?! Sometimes I can't drop what I am doing- not even for an angry customer and SERIOUSLY HOW RUDE IS IT TO STAND THERE AND LISTEN TO SOMEONE IN THEIR OFFICE WHO IS ON A PERSONAL PHONE CALL!??? She is so NOT classy... ugh.. I hate her! I seriously hope she gets fired.

Example 3: She goes into the break room in our office and talks LOUDLY on the phone about this guy she knows that just got out of prison and who is calling her friend and stalking her and on and on and on about his probation this and drug addiction that... Umm NOT APPROPRIATE CONVERSATION WHEN PEOPLE CAN HEAR YOU! If you need help, ASK but don't be calling your meth-addict friends to tell them about your man-troubles in a NOT-SECRETIVE VOICE! Mmm -KAY?

Get me the fuck out of here!


Anonymous said...

i think you are talking about someone that worked for me once! she was my assistant and had the balls to not only get attitude with me, but to be down right WRONG about office policy, dress code, ettiquite etc. one day while i was on my honeymoon, she had the audacity to wear a pink bra with a white mesh (that's right, i said mesh) shirt. no one wanted to say anything to her because she was totally the type of broad to do that and then slap you with a harassment suit. to top it off, she was a full 10 years older than i and had BO thatjavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Comment could knock evander holyfield out. so glad she got pushed out!

Anonymous said...

Why do people think they can dress like crack-whore strippers from the 80's in a professional office? I don't GET IT!