Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...Pit bulls (in my opinion)

by Rad Ponytail

Some people are going to be mad about this post. I know this because the world is totally split on the issue. But I just want to get this off my chest because I just read something that made me mad.

I think pit bulls should be banned. There I said it. And i felt this way long before Michael Vick. You can stop sending me hate mail , it's just my opinion. I would say the same thing about gold fish or cats if it was them who killing and attacking people.

A few Facts:

  • From September 1992 through July 2007, pit bulls and their mixes maimed 670 adults and children and caused 119 deaths.
  • Recently here in Louisville, Kentucky a 14-month old girl was mauled to death by the families Pit Bull. The mother was feeding her daughter when the Pit Bull "snapped" and attacked the infant killing her.
  • In one study sponsored by the US Governement Centers For Disease Control it was reported that 32% of all dog related killings of human beings in the United States are caused by Pit Bulls attacks, yet Pit Bulls constitute only 2% of all dogs. 70% of those mauling deaths were of children.
  • On average about 27 people will be killed by a dog each year in the US, 19 of the homicide victims will be children under the age of 15. The dog that causes 3 out of 4 attacks on kids will be the "loving" family dog, such as the "friendly companion" pit bull with the wonderful disposition. Children attacked by these breeds are literally torn apart with horrifying injuries that are almost beyond words. Those that survive are often maimed for life.

Ontario, Winipeg and Manitoba Canada have banned them. Australia, France, Norway, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. 19 cities in 19 states in the US, including New York and Florida have banned them. Allstate and AAA will not provide home owner insurance to you if you own one. Both companies will refuse it, even the dog looks like a pit bull. There are hundreds of cases of supposedly nice pit bulls “turning” on day and attacking innocent PEOPLE. Not other dogs, but people. Children in fact. It seems to me that when a specific group of animals are considered to be dangerous, they should not be bred at all. In most places you are not allowed to own a tiger or a lion because they are wild and cannot be deemed housebroken or gentle enough to be trusted in the hands of homeowners. I think the same law should exisit for the pits.

Now is when most people who disagree with me would say that it’s the owners faults, not the dogs. But it’s the dogs that have the killer instinct in them. Can we really trust that the dog’s owners are going to make sure that the dogs are “safe?” Just how do they do that? How do they guarantee that the dog won’t “turn”.

Are the same pit bull owners who adamantly say that it's the owners fault that animal turned going to take responsibility if their dog attacks a child or a baby or another person? I myself could not live with the idea that my pet may or may not one day attack someone and that it would me my fault for not being a good owner.

there, I said it, I am not going to take it back and you can hate me all you want.


Snow Bunny said...

I totally agree. Pit Bulls scare the living BEJESUS OUT OF ME! I rented a room in a house down the street from where I live now with my husband. The owner of the house lived downstairs and had a pit bull. The pit bull was always really sweet and nice and playful and apparently still is... However, now whenever I walk by their house with my nice little innocent dog- their dog makes the MOST HORRIFIC SNARLING AND GROWLING NOISES!! They are so scary that they have made me actually CRY OUT a couple of times because they sound so threatening. I mean, thank goodness the dog is on the other side of the fence, but I do not even WANT to know what would happen if there wasn't a fence between us. I don't think the dog would do ANYTHING if it was just me walking by- but they are so naturally agressive towards other dogs- who KNOWS what could happen.

I say ban them. Ban them ALL!

Tracey said...

Those who say pitts need to do a bit more research and quit basing your opinion on the headlines of the nightly news. Reporters have been cited as not quite knowing what breed he killer dog is, but reports a Pitt becuase it's sensazionalistic. There are MANY breeds of dogs that bit, causing serious harm and potentially deaths including Rotts, Shepards, Akita's, etc. Britian banned them in the 90's and it had NO EFFECT on the number of dog bites. They did not go down, fatalities did not go down. Please see this article. It even cites a pomeranian killed a baby.

My personal experiences have included these anecdotes: I have had a woman afraid for her life of my BOXER becuase she THOUGHT it was a pitt. Once I told her what the breed was, she actually petted my boxer. How DUMB is that? Seriously, I think the media really paints a poor picture of Pitts becuase it's sensationalistic and draws viewers much like a nasty car wreck does.

I've grown up with chihuahuas. I can't count the number of bites I got from them. They can be snarling nasty little bastads too.

I had my ear ripped open as a kid by a Golden Retriever which is a FAMILY dog!

I foster dogs, and have had several unknown pittys in my home gotten from animal control and actually eventually adoped one. All of them have been absolute angels, even with my precious Boxer girl (who, by the way, makes the worst scariest noises I've ever heard from a dog, almost satanic sounding), and my two young children. They have been so sweet and very gentle dogs.

As to the f-bomb dropping pitty owner, please represent the breed a little more articulately. Language like that just gives the impression of some beer swilling, chain smoking redneck with a snarling, slobbering Pitt on the end of a chain leash attached to a cinder block or two that has no training or control, thus facilitating the negative stereotype of pitts. This is NOT a personal attack of you, just a request for better posting.

As to the banning of Pitts, ban them, but then also ban rotts, sheppards, akitas and pomeranians. Hell, ban all dogs. The toy breeds bite a hell of a lot more (I've grown up with and had about 15 of them). They just don't get reported as often because they don't inflict as much damage.

I appreciate reading everyone's opinions, but don't be a media parrot. Do your research please. Those who say it's not the owner, it's the breed, you need to look at the situation. Each case is different. One resource cites that 58% of bites by pitts occurred on an unrestrained dog off the owners property. That is the OWNER'S fault for not leashing, or fencing in the dog. All dogs have a predatory instict to some degree or another. I could make a case that 90% or more of pitty attacks are the result of human/owner neglect of proper care and handling. What people often forget are dogs are dogs, they are not mini humans with a sense of right and wrong. They have their own language, their own rules of life. They hunt, they play, they bite, they snarl, they wag their tails, they have emotions. It's up to us humans to teach them our rules. When untrained, unsupervised, neglected of course they'll get pissy and difficult.

Now I could agree that specific permits could be ordered for large breed dogs - all large breed dogs -to make sure the owners can provide adequate care for these dogs, including housing, feeding, exercise, time allocated to make sure they can meet each breeds specific needs.

If you google pitt bulls and read desciptions of the dog's temperament, they are actually a great family dog as long as they have good human leadership.

Anonymous said...

should we ban pits
No pit has ever started a world war
or murderd any one in ther sleep
We have a littel dog of sum sort
that lives a few doors down it is always barking at me, my pit and any one who looks at it.
Now that is a dog that would love to rip any one apart
Give the breed a fair go

Anonymous said...


these statistic are ridicules the majority of there's pit bulls that attack are own for status purposes are poorly looked after and most likely kept outside chained up.

if they are aggressive to other dogs its because they were not socialized at a young age.
jack russell attack to, any dog has the ability to snap and attack if its feeling threaten or mistreated.
i could leave statistic on how many robbery's and murders are caused by other races i.e blacks. what you are saying is the same thing, not all blacks are the same and neither are pit bulls.

i suppose you believe they have lock jaws to.
you know nothing just what you hear you don't know the back ground of the dog

Anonymous said...

just adding:
Apologies for my grammar and spelling mistake.

P.S. i am not a racist, just making a point.