Wednesday, August 22, 2007

...Annoying People on TV

By: Rad Ponytail

I have to admit that I might have a little problem with the celebrity gossip/trash tv. I hate shows like “Flava of Love”, “I love New York”, “Sunset Tan” and the originator “The Real World”, but something takes over and I have to watch.

Top 10 most Annoying People on TV

10. Lindsay Lohan, I really don’t have to list why, I am sure that you get it. But I just can’t even stand to look at her anymore. I hope she goes to jail. And for longer than Paris.

9. Anderson Cooper because he just bugs. He takes himself way to seriously when doing stories such as “Paris’ time in Jail” or “Rosie vs. The Donald.” Get over yourself.

8. Brooke from the Real World Denver because she is insane, and proves it over and over again.

7. Dr. Robert Rey- on Dr. 90210. Does he really need to dress like the Joker?

6. Spencer from The Hills because he has a total slimy face and I don’t trust one single word that
come out of his slimy little mouth. Look at him. Eww. I want to go shower now.

5. Criss Angel because I just don’t trust men that wear eyeliner and he creeps me out.
4. Rosie O’Donnell because SHUT UP ALREADY. Go away. Oh, wait, she already did. Thank you ABC.

3. New York-I have never seen anything as vulgar or trashy in my life, that I can recall that is.

2. That Greco Guy from Cheaters. Is that guy for real? Can you say instigator.

1. Mariah Carey-I realize that is not really a TV star, but this episode of Cribs made me find her so annoying that not even her voice can be her saving grace.

Gotta run now, Real World is on.


BOW DOWN said...

Mariah uggggggggg ewwww spit barf HATE

Gossip Girl 007 said...

I hate New York too!! I can't tell if she's a man or woman to be honest!

But like you I agree these shows are ridiculous but a few months ago I spent all of a Sunday clean my house and watching "Flava of Love 2" marathon. Go Figure!