Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Posted By: Gossip Girl 007

I am dreading going to my Weight Watchers meeting tonight. I haven't been going to the meetings lately and I feel awful about it. I don't want to go but I have to go and face the scale even if the number goes up. I hate that weight has always been an issue for me. Granted I don't let this depress me or stop me from living my life. It's just a nagging thing in the back of my head. I was doing so good before on WW, I had lost about 15 lbs but like always I gained it back and now since I rejoined I've only lost 5 lbs. It's been yo-yo...gain 5/lose 5...it stinks...BIG TIME.

I guess the right thing is to go to the meeting, get on the scale, get my "new" number and start over. Right? UGH!!! I wish I didn't love food so much! I wish my metabolism was faster!


BOW DOWN said...

So I've always been curious about weight watchers. Jenny Craig too. Because what on earth do you do there if you are a vegetarain. Second...do you really have to stand on the scale in front of people!!!!!! No way man. But good luck. You've got al lof us here now cheering you on!

Gossip Girl 007 said...

With WW each food has a point value even veggies/fruits etc and you get a certain # of points for your weight range. You can also do a plan called core,which is no points counting just eat from a list of core foods. The weigh-in is private with a counselor. They don't say the number out loud, they write it on your card hand it to you. I'm going to go...still don't want to but I'm going.UGH! Thanks!

Sassy said...

My boss was actually doing WW for a little bit. When she stuck to it, she did really good. Keep your head in it and don't give up and you will do good! Like Funky Fresh said, we are cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry

Ms. Dirty Laundry said...

I have a guy that I work with and his wife who both do WW...it's hard, especially for her since she is the one really trying to lose weight (he is just maintaining). But they have both stuck with it and it really seems like it is paying off.