Friday, August 31, 2007
...... since when has lap dancing been something a Mum/Wife does???
My step bro, married the bitch about 3 years ago, the bitch had child Olilollipop (yes they have given him that fucking stupid nick name)
Over time they have had less and less to do with the family, she has spent all his money, stopped him from seeing all his friend and his life revolves around her. (trying to keep it short, so loads missing)
She has no friend apart from her mother and has been Daddy's little girl all he life, so very spoilt. She has also done some horrible and said some horrible things about most of my family but we have all let it ride as we didnt want to fall out. Good job she never crossed me as i wouldnt have been so kind!
When she first started seeing my step b she was over weight, just after they got married she joined weight watchers and became one of their great success stories. They had lollipop and had to rejoin, since lollipop was born she has become a plastic woman, granted she looks great but must take some maintenance! She has long brown hair, big blue eyes, thin, tanned all the time and big plastic talons (nails). Well she has a ego up and over the hills now!
Right the point of the story is that, she has been caught cheating on my step bro. He did have suspicions but had never followed them up. Well she has been cheating with a 21yr old and she's 31yrs old! So step bro left, after time away decieded he wanted to sort it out! MUG!!!!
During the time he was away he's been talking to step sis, who has found loads out! She has a bar job but no one had ever seen her, well no they bloody wont have because she hasnt a bar job! She's a fucking lap dancer! and even better is that he agreed to let her do it as they were skint! AND NOW REGRETING IT! Oh and they have a pole in the garage for her to practice on!
We now think she neglects lollipop he gets left in his cot for hours on end, when she telling people he sleeps till 10am! He doesnt eat normal food at 20months and still has baby milk, never play with other children and only ever goes out shopping!
Oh and the lap dancing earns her £160-£180 per week for 2nights, that nearly what i earn for £30hours!!!
Since this all kicked off she hardly seen lollipop, shes been at her mothers. She has gone from been a full time Mummy to a non-existant Mummy! Shes seen him 2/3times in a week and shes had him over night once! Fucking once, this is not normal in my opionion!
I am ranting on here as i am trying not to get too involved. I am so anoyed!! I am not prude, if she had of been a lap dancer when she met him then it wouldnt be so bad but to take it up at 31yrs old is bizare!
Most of the full story is on my secret blog
Thursday, August 30, 2007
...My Response to Difficult Friend
I took everyone's blog advice in responding to Miss Life sucks. I think I was honest, kind, yet firm in expressing how immature I think this all is. When I started writing my response it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It actually felt really good to get this stuff off my chest and finally say all the things I have been holding back for many years. I tried as hard as possible not to be hurtful nor throw specific instances back in her face( like she did to me) because that is just not me. MY sister and my best friend thought this was a good email so I went for it and emailed her today. So far all I know is that she read it so we will see what the reply (if any) is. Either way I feel comfortable with my decision to write her back and with what I said.
Miss Life Sucks,
I did not expect this type of email from you but I am going to take this opportunity to be honest with you. I was also glad when we reconnected and I do consider you a friend. I just think that we view our friendship very differently. Our friendship has been that we pretty much that we drift in and out of each other’s lives, which is fine. I have a lot of friends who I see on an off and that doesn’t mean we don’t care about each other.
Yes, I should have called you back after the many times you called me but I was going through a difficult time and I needed space. Everyone else in my life understood and gave me the space I needed. From what I gather from your email you took it personally. That is your choice. There are some things that I don’t share with everyone and yes they are confined to my “inner circle” as you put it. I also don’t respond well to pressure. It felt to me that you wanted someone to hang out with and while you offered support by checking up on me, at that time me not responding meant I needed some time alone.
The reason we drift apart is because we don’t have that much in common. You are in a different place in your life than I am. I enjoy spending time with you but after awhile the friendship seems very one sided. Most conversations are about the stuff going on in your life and you don’t seem to have a very positive attitude when things don’t go your way or friends don’t respond the way you want. This whole email is about the way you feel and what you want of the friendship. Not once do you ask if something is wrong with me. This is OK that is they way you chose to express yourself. There were times when I walked away feeling drained from our conversations and I was upset by whatever feelings you had about something. I can empathize and sympathize with situations my friends are going through but in the case of our friendship if felt like a lot of pressure was put on me to say the right things to soothe your situations. I don’t know if other friends drift in/out of your life but if this has happened to you before maybe it’s because they don’t get support back from you maybe it’s more about soothing you and that may require you to look at yourself and deal with why this happens to you. If it’s just me who feels this way, well then write it off as whatever you want.
As for the myspace thing, I envy you that you have nothing better to worry about except why you aren’t on my top friends. Which since I am being completely honest I had not noticed until you mentioned it. I don’t value people by the place they hold on my myspace page. This is a very immature thing to bring up. Your email says you care about me but the words in the email just don’t show it.Where this friendship goes will depend on your response to what I’ve said. You wanted an answer and I gave it to you honestly.
...Really Like My Job
I just have to say that with all that I trash my co-worker and all that goes on in my office, I really do love my job. I don't know why. The pay isn't that great, I am not using my brain or any of my college education. But I am good at what I do. I love that I am treated like I am princess and I like the feeling of being needed and utilized. With all the bullshit that goes on in the office, I still like my job. I just don't like that there are such stupid things that happen. It just puts a bit of a strain on me. I have to really try hard not to let it interfere with my work performance and my attitude around the office, but I do like my job.
But since I am talking about work, I have to say that Miss Thing decided to take a TWO AND A HALF HOUR lunch. That's right. We only get a half hour lunch every day. So that is two hours over. Not to mention, she didn't bother saying it was going to be a super long lunch or anything like that. Just said she was going to lunch and would be back. She didn't bother asking the boss or anything like that. Oh and I was informed that she was also ten minutes late to work. You just got to love the system and how much people get away with.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
...Pit bulls (in my opinion)
Some people are going to be mad about this post. I know this because the world is totally split on the issue. But I just want to get this off my chest because I just read something that made me mad.
I think pit bulls should be banned. There I said it. And i felt this way long before Michael Vick. You can stop sending me hate mail , it's just my opinion. I would say the same thing about gold fish or cats if it was them who killing and attacking people.
A few Facts:
- From September 1992 through July 2007, pit bulls and their mixes maimed 670 adults and children and caused 119 deaths.
- Recently here in Louisville, Kentucky a 14-month old girl was mauled to death by the families Pit Bull. The mother was feeding her daughter when the Pit Bull "snapped" and attacked the infant killing her.
- In one study sponsored by the US Governement Centers For Disease Control it was reported that 32% of all dog related killings of human beings in the United States are caused by Pit Bulls attacks, yet Pit Bulls constitute only 2% of all dogs. 70% of those mauling deaths were of children.
- On average about 27 people will be killed by a dog each year in the US, 19 of the homicide victims will be children under the age of 15. The dog that causes 3 out of 4 attacks on kids will be the "loving" family dog, such as the "friendly companion" pit bull with the wonderful disposition. Children attacked by these breeds are literally torn apart with horrifying injuries that are almost beyond words. Those that survive are often maimed for life.
Ontario, Winipeg and Manitoba Canada have banned them. Australia, France, Norway, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. 19 cities in 19 states in the US, including New York and Florida have banned them. Allstate and AAA will not provide home owner insurance to you if you own one. Both companies will refuse it, even the dog looks like a pit bull. There are hundreds of cases of supposedly nice pit bulls “turning” on day and attacking innocent PEOPLE. Not other dogs, but people. Children in fact. It seems to me that when a specific group of animals are considered to be dangerous, they should not be bred at all. In most places you are not allowed to own a tiger or a lion because they are wild and cannot be deemed housebroken or gentle enough to be trusted in the hands of homeowners. I think the same law should exisit for the pits.
Now is when most people who disagree with me would say that it’s the owners faults, not the dogs. But it’s the dogs that have the killer instinct in them. Can we really trust that the dog’s owners are going to make sure that the dogs are “safe?” Just how do they do that? How do they guarantee that the dog won’t “turn”.
Are the same pit bull owners who adamantly say that it's the owners fault that animal turned going to take responsibility if their dog attacks a child or a baby or another person? I myself could not live with the idea that my pet may or may not one day attack someone and that it would me my fault for not being a good owner.
there, I said it, I am not going to take it back and you can hate me all you want.
...being "anonymous"
Hey Y'all!
I am loving this blog so much! But I decided that had to go stealth mode though, because too many members of mi familia can get crafty with the stalkerness and therefore my cover could get blown. So while I am still gonna write here, I also created a super secret preferred readers only blog that i would love for ya to check out. If you want to, shoot me over your email address and I will invite you to read.
my email is:
..dumb blondes
(If you are blonde, please don't take that personally)
I don't claim to be a genius. But i guarantee that i could answer this better than this broad. YIKES!!
...My Two Cent for Anonymous
I have to say something to Anonymous because their comment was left on my original post.
What the hell is your problem? I found Funky's comment totally appropriate! It's her thoughts/opinion which I asked was valuable to me in my decision making. Like Sassy said don't like...don't read the blog! You could have given me you opinion on the situation not trash someone else for speaking their mind.
To my Secret Name bloggers - I wonder if it was Miss Life Sucks who found this blog even though I don't list this site on my original blog. Maybe she recognized her letter! LOL!
...Feeling More Chipper
I love when people get so upset over thing that people post or comment. You would honestly think that you took their dog out and beat them. No, I am not an animal beater, I am just saying. People get so freaking butthurt and take things so damn personal. Is it not ok to just say how you feel? I mean, there comes a point in time when not everyone can be nice every time they open their mouths or have something to say. If someone is deserving of being called a bitch or being called out on their stupidity, we all should have a right to say so and do so. Its not like we are saying names on this particular blog and even if we were, we can say whatever we want, however we want and all should be just fine and dandy!
Not to mention, you are only fueling our fire in wanting to piss people like you off. =) Have a great day.
...Hearing It All Now!
I swear I have heard it all now! I am seriously dying...could have pissed my pants from laughing so hard. I just went off on my boss because since I have been to work, Miss Thing hasn't done a fucking thing work related. She has done nothing but sit on her ass eating and talking to anyone and doing all she could to not work. My boss's response was fucking classic.
"She has been trying to fix her computer to run faster so she can work as fast as you do."
WHAT?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was rolling on the damn floor. No matter how quick her computer is or how slow mine is, she will NEVER do as much work as me or work near as fast as I do. It just will never happen. EVER! She doesn't sit in her chair long enough, or stay off the phone long enough, or keep her mouth shut long enough. The bottom line is, her work ethic sucks and is nothing like mine!
This is going to be a long fucking day.
...Little Things Annoying Me
I am so fucking sick of the little things that people do to get under peoples skin. I can't stand it. I hate stupid ass games that people play. Isn't it funny how it seems that there are certain people that always try to "one up" you??? I see it all the time and even have it happen to me from time to time. I guess I am just sick of seeing it and having it happen to me. I just wish that this stuff could go away.
...What I Am Going To Do
First of all THANK YOU all for taking the time to comment on my post about "difficult friend", it really helped me reach my decision. I my gut was to delete her email and not reply. But I'm going to reply to her email and be as nice as possible while making it very clear the reasons why we drifted apart.
But since this has happened in the past I am prepared for her reactions which will include her getting mad, telling me I am not the person she thought I was (whatever I know who I am) and pretty much calling me a bad friend. I'm sure she will remove me from her myspace -- the funny thing is I probably wouldn't notice! LOL!
I'll let you know how it turns out in the next few days! THANK YOU again!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
...Rude Ass People
So this is my first post. I was very excited to have a place to vent. However, I am having a hard time trying to decide where to start. I have so much to get off my chest lol. Anyway, before I ramble to much and bore everyone, I will start with work!!
A brief history. At the beginning of the year, my job was great. I had great co-workers, OK bosses (which we all know is as good as it may get sometimes) and I really did like my job. Then in April they let my co-worker (office mate) go, and shit all went down hill from there. One of the supervisors took another job and they replaced him with the stupidest person alive. Then the other supervisor had a family issue that caused her to quit and move away. Then, yes there is more, our director quit, and hired a very nice man, however, not very good at the directing part of his job. So now I have dumb and dumber in charge, and we hire an older Hispanic women to be my office mate. It all sounded good at first, then I realize she, lets call her Rude Ass, is not the women we all thought her to be.
She started the week I went on vacation, I had really had like 2 days to train her. She seemed to catch on pretty fast, so that was good. I was gone for a week, came back, and started trying to make her feel welcome. I'm a nice person, almost to a fault. I tend to ignore certain situations just to keep the peace, especially when I'm in the crossfire. Anyway, things seemed OK, until it came time to settle into the office. She decided to move my plants, and take my plant stand to put her coffee pot on. She decided our windowless office was better with the lights off. She decided loud Hispanic music was acceptable for everyone to listen to. She decided to take all the information I have given her about our co-workers and put her own spin to make me look like a gossip. She also decided that when her plants needed sun, she would bring in the ugliest table and put it in our co-workers windowed office without asking if it was OK.
She has no respect for the fact that other people are trying to go about there day, and that we don't need her making decisions for us. Rude Ass also decided to eat a bag of chips that belonged to someone else when she got hungry, and then told the owner that she had lots of snacks in her desk as a trade....after the fact. She will ask me if I want something from fast food, thinking she was being nice, and decline (weight...another issue, another post lol), then she will return with treats for everyone in the office except me, because I said no.
She recently made friends with another annoying co-worker, and they are two peas in a pod. They decided I was the biggest gossip in the office and then proceeded to gossip about me gossiping (wait...huh??). One day, they decided to go to lunch at 11:30, another sore subject, I went from 12-1, when she started, she took the 12-1 without even discussing it with me. I decided I liked 1-2 because I got back later, and had less work in the afternoon. However, all my friends have the 12-1 lunch, so I cannot join them for lunch anymore. Anyway, she left at 11:30 with her new best friend. At 12:30 I noticed they weren't back, but shrugged it off, I didn't go until 1, so what do I care. At 1, I started to wonder why I hadn't heard from them. I'm fairly easygoing, I don't really care if you're going to be late from lunch, but a courtesy call is all I ask for. Not to much to ask right? the day before I had a doctors appointment at 11:30, and took that as my lunch. At 12:30 I called because I was running late. I told her I would be back in half an hour. She said thanks for the call!! Amazing how that works sometimes. It's called respect!! Anyway, at 1:30 I finally had enough, I went to my boss, and told him (half asking advice, half hoping to get them in trouble, hehe) they had left for lunch at 11:30 and 2 HOURS later, they were not back, what should I do about my lunch?? He informs me to go ahead and leave, and he will call them. When he gets a hold of Rude Ass, she tells him she had to go across town for a personal errand, and swears she informed me. I had in fact told him I did not know of any such plans, and it was a lie because I had heard her and Miss Annoying making plans for lunch. About this time they are both in the building. She shows up and says she must have lost track of time. When asked if it were to happen again to call me to inform me, she stated, she was not aware it had been 2 hours.
Later that day I found out the Miss Annoying had received a call as well, and she went off on our boss, telling him she didn't get a lunch yesterday, and if she wants to flex out her hours, she should be allowed to. He agreed, but asked that in the future, they inform someone of such plans. Miss Annoying preceded to gossip even more about me, and how she knew I "told on them" and I'd better watch my back. Are you kidding me?? As of Oct. I will be the only person there who has been there over 3 years!! I'm loved by everyone but them. I have been informed by the boss, that will not happen, ever! I laughed at their threats.
Anyway, this is the shit I deal with day in, day out. I show up, do my job, and deal with Rude Ass's snide comments about my work ethic, as she plays solitaire on the computer, and hides work in her desk. Today she was confronted by a co-worker who asked her to help her file a week ago, stating they had to be in the file for an audit that week. Come to find out, Rude Ass never filed them and the audit took place, with the all the up to date files sitting in her desk. Needless to say, my co-worker was pissed, and made it clear that she was not happy.
Now, you may ask, why has she never been talked to about this attitude she seems to have? I am asking the same question everyday, and hoping the with a new supervisor who started Monday, this question will have an answer!! Stay tuned!!
...Crack Heads
I’ll admit it, before I was an SUV driving, soccer mom in training, I was a raving maniac of a Party Girl. I liked to spend all my money on clothes and booze, and had no problem indulging in a little illegal fun now and then. Of course I met the man of my dreams and after we courted and partied it up, we settled down and began the splendid task of having a family and growing up. I can still relate to those who are current party girls, and part of me misses it, but a bigger part is happy and content being exactly who I am today.
So, about 6 years back my step bro’s wife I became pretty close, bff status. We went out to the bars and partied together. We had some pretty crazy times. And I considered her to be a good friend. I will admit that every now and again, we used to partake in a little nose candy. But then she and her hubby moved on from the occasional blow to crystal meth. And they started hiding it from me. I had a hard time being supportive with them because they had 2 kids, then lost their jobs, houses, cars etc. I swear I am not exaggerating. I distanced myself, and in the meantime got married, and got my you-know-what together. She only came to my wedding for about 15 minutes and then left because some one called her out about being a tweeker. About 2 years later my first kid was born and she never even called or saw my kid until the kid was like 1.
Eventually they split up, she lost her mind, he got better and clean. She had the kids and disappeared off the face of the planet, didn’t return calls or letters or emails or anything. She burned all her bridges and moved upstate to get away from all the lawsuits etc that were chasing her around. I tried about 1 time a month for over a year to contact her just to see how the kids were and how things were going. All the while I was hoping that she would have had an epiphany and cleaned up if anything for the sake of her kids. But of course no response. That is until this last November. Suddenly through the wonderful world of the internet, she got a Myspace profile and we started to get in contact, sort of. Eventually she asked for me to help her with some money, which I reluctantly did for the sake of the kids, all the while knowing that she would probably burn me, but whatever.
I even went as far as to practically give her a vehicle as I got a new one at the end of December last year. I am sure that I don’t need to say it, but yes, she still owes for the car. I never fully expected to be paid for it. I knew in letting her take it with 100 down that we probably would be screwed for the balance. And of course, as of now, I have not received the agreed upon (in writing) payment of $100.00 per month since March. Am I mad, even disappointed? Not so much.
What I am totally disgusted with is that I keep getting forwarded emails from her to her dad stating that the car is not running, it’s broken, it needs $3000.00 worth of work, it’s broken down several times, etc. She is the one forwarding them to me. As if to inform me that the car I GAVE her is out of commission. (Please keep in mind that NOTHING she says can be considered truth.) The car is older (1996) but was in great running condition when I GAVE it to her. It even had new tires, fresh oil and had the radiator hose replaced just before they got it. It had also been recently smogged. My question is this, SHOULD I RESPOND TO HER AND TELL HER TO GET OVER IT? I want her to know that her ridiculous emails are just that, and it doesn’t matter to me if the car is running or not, she still has a responsibility to pay, or AT LEAST address why she hasn’t. I don’t need the money from her. I wrote if off in my mind before I ever agreed to sell her the car in the first place. But why in the world does she think that she needs to forward me all the BS issues with the car? I mean, if my car broke down, I would not write the bank and tell them all the problems with it. They’d just repo it anyway. Crack-headenss aside, how do I tell her to come to reality without being totally mean and hardcore? Because really I have so many things that I would love to tell her, but I think it’s better to just let it be. What would YOU do? week, SO FAR!
I just don't get it. The more work that pours through my office, the less people seem to do. It is rather funny. It's like they think to themselves, "Sassy needs to do more work even though she is already picking up a bunch of slack from else where." It just boggles my damn mind some times. I have seriously been so busy the last two days that I haven't had time to do anything. Lunch? Who has time for that anyway? I sure haven't. I find myself munching on something at my desk WHILE working still. Do you think that Miss Thing pipes up and offers to help out with things or gets up to take some responsibility??? Oh heavens no. In fact, she has begun to spend more time yet again on personal calls and doing personal shit. Oh well. But our student is now back in school and therefore we have her significantly less than we did during the summer. This means that most of her tasks don't get done by her. They now get done by me. She didn't even get through one whole task today. To me, this is understandable because as a student, you are not here much and you just don't have time for everything. But that doesn't mean that everything should fall on ONE person, when there are two abled bodies sharing the office and supposed to be sharing the duties. Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh!
Let's see what else.... Oh this week would be Miss Things early week. Guess what? Out of two days so far this week, she was ten minutes late yesterday and didn't get here until 9:30am today. How the hell does that work? When you are the early person, you are supposed to be here. And if you aren't going to be here, wouldn't you, I don't know...SWITCH with your co-worker to make sure the office is covered?? I don't get it. I seriously don't get it. The only good thing that I have going for me at this point is my boss was informed of it and she talked to her boss. And my bosses boss is really not into the whole being late thing and sees that there is definitely a pattern of Miss Thing not being to work when she is supposed to on her early days. I wouldn't mind if her early days got completely revoked, but I doubt that will happen. But what a fun thought to entertain.
AND! Come to find out, it isn't just the student and I that are having a problem with her. Nope! Miss Fucking Nosy has issues with her as well. I guess Miss Thing and Miss Fucking Nosy share some job duties and Miss Fucking Nosy doesn't like some stuff where Miss Thing is concerned. So Miss Fucking Nosy, Miss Thing, and our boss all had to have a meeting yesterday. I don't know what was said in the meeting because Miss Thing left for the day after, but I do know that Miss Thing was very not happy about stuff that went on. I just find it amusing that other people have issues with her. Although, many people have problems with Miss Fucking Nosy...I know I sure do. She drives me fucking insane. But that is a whole other can of worms.
What I was trying to say when starting this post is that I have been so damn busy with other peoples work on top of my own, I haven't had time to do shit personally.
...Difficult Friend's Email to me
Wasn't it just last week when I wrote about Miss Life Sucks? Well she wrote me an email through myspace and now I really don't know what to do. Her email (below) sounds sincere though a little needy. What should I do? I really do hate hurting people but allowing this friend back in my life will require a lot of effort on my part. I can't do that right now. I am going through a LOT of things in my personal life and I just can't take on her needs. Do I take this opportunity to be upfront and tell her the truth that she drains people and demands to much of a friendship with out giving back? Of course in kinder words. I just don't know if this friendship is worth salvaging but I'm not a total bitch and I think I should say something to her. HELP ME I NEED ADVICE!
Hi, Gossp Girl---Hope all is well with you. This is TOTALLY going to sound like a note I would've slipped into your locker in high school(LOL!). For the past few months I've been wondering what happened between us. I was SO happy when we reconnected through My Space. From time to time throughout the years I had thought about how you were doing and what you were up to. You had always been such a sweet, compassionate friend and I always remembered that about you. You can't say that about a lot of people in this day and age.Even though we had only been reconnected for a few months, when you got sick and had to have the surgery, it meant a lot to me that your sister called to tell me. The last thing I would've thought is that you would consider me to be such a friend that you would let me know about something so personal during a very stressful period in your life. I mean, the only people who were at the hospital the day of your surgery were your best friend and your family...your inner circle.
I felt like we were on our way to becoming really close friends again. Then all of a sudden I noticed we hadn't talked in a while after my birthday. When your birthday came around, I called you a bunch of times wanting to take you out for dinner or drinks. But you never answered. Then I noticed that you had taken me off your Top Friends list on My Space. You know I'm VERY sensitive when it comes to stuff like that and I get paranoid. I kept calling and emailing and I still didn't hear from you. So here we are 6 months later and I feel like we're not even friends anymore. I know you have a lot of stuff going on with your family, but I can't help but wonder: what happened?I know I sound like a whiny, pathetic girlfriend emailing her boyfriend (yes, it's silly...but I do feel that way!), but it's been something that's really been eating away at me. It really makes me sad to think that you are mad or hurt by something I may have done or something that you may have misunderstood. And so, I'm here hoping that you'll be open and honest with me and tell me what happened. I'm totally PMS-ing too, so if I'm sure this has something to do with the extra pathetic tone to me too. :)I hope that I hear back from you, but if I don't, I hope that you leave knowing that I love you and will miss you, and didn't mean to push you away. Eventhough we've come in and out of our lives for over 20 years and have shared moments of laughter and tears, your friendship has always meant a lot to me and will always continue to be. Hugs, Miss Life Sucks
Monday, August 27, 2007
...oops! my name
Hahahaha ( I can't stop laughing over this one)
So...I was talking to my hubby and his friend (one that I'm not to fond of) this weekend, they were reminiscing about the "old days" (some not-so-good choices)
He says: "Yeah, I was a fucking rock star" meaning he was a crack-head a long long long long time ago. So thinking to myself, "Oh god!" "That was the name I CHOSE on this blog!"
I just wanted everybody to know (laughing at myself now) that I'm not a crack-head, and I have never seen the stuff in real life!! When I chose this name it was because I enjoy rock music, not the mind altering drug. Hahaha
I feel so silly.
I never put two & two together until this weekend. DUH!
*bows head in comical shame*
...Skank Bitch SHIT
In my office there is a particularly vulgar person that has recently began working in our call center. She is MUCH older than the rest of the girls that work there (she is probably in her mid-to-late 40's while the rest of the girls are EASILY under 25)... she is uneducated (BIG TIME), wears completely inappapropriate clothing (think old fat and wrinkly wearing something more well suited for someone young, fit, and HOT and GOING TO A CLUB), she has No MANNERS, no professionalism, no skills and is just dumb as a rock. Ignorant as all hell and sooo annoying.
Example #1: My sister works in the same room as this person, and one day my sister was having a conversation with their supervisor about how ignorant people sometimes think that just because a person is black and doesn't speak English that they must speak some kind of African language, when in fact, black people exhist all OVER the world and speak all KINDS of languages... Well, Ms. ANNOYING hears my sister say this and then goes into their MANAGER's office and tells him that my sister is racist and says that "All Black People Come from Africa" when in fact, my sister was saying the OPPOSITE. So my sister gets called into the manager's office along with her supervisor and they both get asked about the comments they made and of course the defend themselves and it all blows over... but COME ON! What is the woman thinking?! What a freaking pot-stirring bitch! Now the one black woman in their office is all pissed off and thinks she can sue the company because my sister makes racist comments (more ignorance) and my sister now wants to quit and I think this is all ridiculous.
Example #2: I am in my office on the phone with my insurance company. I notice that someone from Milwaukee is calling me and I send it to my voicemail as I cannot interrupt my phone call because I am giving this woman important personal information... So Ms. ANNOYING comes over to my office door out of the blue and just stands there... I tell her I will be a few minutes. So instead of her going away and coming back when I am off the phone, she just STANDS THERE for like 5 minutes staring at me while I am giving out all of my personal information and credit card info and shit... UGH! Then when I am off the phone all she says is that she has an angry customer on her line... I'm like "Thanks I will pick him up." Like WHAT THE FUCK!? Could she NOT just tell him that I was on the phone and he would need to leave a message and I would call him right back? I understand that he was mad, but so fucking what?! Sometimes I can't drop what I am doing- not even for an angry customer and SERIOUSLY HOW RUDE IS IT TO STAND THERE AND LISTEN TO SOMEONE IN THEIR OFFICE WHO IS ON A PERSONAL PHONE CALL!??? She is so NOT classy... ugh.. I hate her! I seriously hope she gets fired.
Example 3: She goes into the break room in our office and talks LOUDLY on the phone about this guy she knows that just got out of prison and who is calling her friend and stalking her and on and on and on about his probation this and drug addiction that... Umm NOT APPROPRIATE CONVERSATION WHEN PEOPLE CAN HEAR YOU! If you need help, ASK but don't be calling your meth-addict friends to tell them about your man-troubles in a NOT-SECRETIVE VOICE! Mmm -KAY?
Get me the fuck out of here!
...feeling a little low
I don't know what it is, but lately I have felt just very distant from my couple SUPER close friends. It is like we are all just wrapped up in our own lives and seem to be growing apart. And for some reason, I have been really down about this. I feel like there is just something happening and I can't control it and don't know how to change it. I guess it doesn't help that there are much different interests these days. I am not about going out all the time and partying. Don't get me wrong, I love to go to a bar and have a couple drinks and hanging out. But they just seem to be in different places than me. I mean, when they have a BBQ, it is all about everyone just getting entirely shithoused and out of control. If you don't drink, then you are looked down on and told you aren't fun. Don't get me wrong, I love to drink and have fun, but I just seem to be calming down. Also, we all have boyfriends. Well, my friends boyfriends work together and do a lot of stuff outside of work together. They are super close and hang out all the time therefore allowing my friends to always be together. Well, my boyfriend doesn't like that group of guys really. I can understand too. If these guys weren't with my friends, I probably wouldn't chose to hang out with them either. But over the years, I have grown close to them, especially one of them.
So now I find myself if a tough little place. If there are BBQ's, I can go, but I know that I will be a little tense and I know that my guy won't be having any fun at all just because he doesn't mix well with those guys. My friends are dating guys that are super preppy type and on the "metro" side. Definitely like my boyfriend. I guess I just feel that now I am missing out on things. I know I am really not missing out on too much because it isn't that I don't hang out with them or see them or do things with them. There are just more times when I am already doing my own thing. I guess I just need to make more of an effort. I just miss them is all. And now that I am writing this I feel like I am being retarded.
Friday, August 24, 2007
...Making Plans
I have a friend (read: mother) who is driving me NUTSO! I am not really an anal person. I only consider myself to be like 40% type A. I like to make plans, I like to know what the day is going to be like. Especially because I have a toddler and am also like nine hundred weeks pregnant. But can my said friend oblige me by simply making a meeting time? Nooooooooooooooooooo! It’s always like “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow morning” or “I can’t really say what’s gonna happen between now and then.” my friend has a crazy controlling husband who requires her to go through him for every decision that she makes. And I used to let her slide because of that. But now I am married, have my own life, family, business, responsibilities, and I see that is a total bunch of BS. Just grow a pair already and MAKE PLANS. It’s not hard. You just pick a time and then be there by that time. I’ll even allow 15 minutes leeway. I realize that being impulsive and spontaneous is fun and exciting when it comes to dating or vacations or whatever. But for the love of Pete, I am begging her to just FREAKING figure it out already.
...Things Since the "MEETING"
Dear Lord have I been busy since that damn meeting we had. I didn't realize it, but we were in the actual meeting for well over an hour almost pushing two I think. I don't know. I didn't pay attention to the time. Once back at my desk, it was piled high full of work and I was stressing getting it done before leaving for the day. Well, Miss Thing was rather upset about the meeting. The rest of the day was spent with her holding back tears and pouting, which really made me feel like a big piece of horse shit. This week we started a new thing where we were going to do entire weeks of either being the early person or the late person and this is my early week. Right as I am getting ready to walk out of the night on Wednesday, I was informed by my boss that I would be by myself for a majority of the day. Come to find out, Miss Thing had an appointment set up for Thursday afternoon and was planning on taking half the day off. I didn't really care except that it was just Wednesday that she was complaining about being in the office by herself for a half an hour and I would be by myself for half the day. Our boss was taking the whole day off, our student was taking the entire day off and that left me being the only person. So it was now up to me to either switch to being the late person or being a bitch and making her change/cancel her appointment or make her come back to work after it. Rather than being mean, I did the nice thing and went ahead and switched to the late day. This just means I get t redeem it when it works for me on her early week. This could come in handy some time.
Yesterday was just crazy all around. This is one of the busiest times of year at my work and there are always people coming in and needing something and the phones are constantly ringing off the hook. I didn't even have time to take a bathroom break all morning and that was with Miss Thing here with me. I wasn't really worried about being by myself in the afternoon, but thought it was funny after the incident the day before. When she was getting ready to leave she was certain to say how bad she felt for leaving me and that she would come back if I wanted her to and so on. I tell her to go and not to worry, I would be just fine. And I was. I rocked the shit out of my office. Nothing ever got behind. There was never a time I felt like I was going crazy. I was able to do all of our students work since she was gone, my work, and the work that Miss Thing and I share with no problem at all. Miss Thing did show up to "check" on me and talked for a few minutes and then took off.
Since the meeting it seems like she is trying to make an effort, but I have to wonder if it is more for show than actually being true. I really feel like she just wants to be liked by our student and it just fries her they don't have that relationship. I don't think she is happy with her job either or more her job duties, and that is why it is so easy for her to pass things off to me. I guess I just see her doing things that don't make sense. Like letting shit pile up before doing them and then it takes her forever to go through them and get them done rather than just doing them as they come in. I mean, she still has work that she was given at 8:00am! If I were the guys waiting for the work, I would be pissed. I just have never been one to let something sit on my desk knowing that it needs to get done and passed on to someone else.
She opened up to me about more of her personal life and what is going on and how she is feeling. I knew she was going through a lot but I didn't realize how she was feeling on the whole thing. And I guess after the meeting that we had, all she wanted to do (from what she says) is have it all go away. She was talking all crazy like about how she wanted to go home and just take every pill that she had in her house and end it all. I was so shocked to hear that. I have known someone that took their life and I have always seen it as an easy way out. I understand that things can be overwhelming at times, but working through them makes you a stronger person. We talked for a good long while about her situation and I just don't understand. She says how she is strapped for money and behind in her payments, yet she is always eating out, stopping at Walmart for new stuff, buying new movies, etc. Not to mention, she just let her boyfriend move in and she is supporting his ass! This guy doesn't even help her pay the bills. Yet, he can pay to have his windows tinted on his truck and hers. And also spending money up the ass on new jewelry. Um hello!!!! If you are behind with a house payment, I think you would put money toward that before worrying about your fucking windows. Just stupid shit like that that would help out...even just a little.
After I talk, I just sat here and felt bad for a minute. I felt bad for getting so pissed off at her at work and about doing her job (or lack there of). But then I realized, with all that is going on, you would think that she would come here and bust her ass, do her work, and feel a sense of accomplishment. Something more uplifting than what she deals with on a daily basis. Anything to help out. I guess I just see things so different and need to resign to the fact that we are very different people and try not to let her antics bother me.
Although, now that I am ready to post this, something just happened to annoy me. She has been gone since before noon to go get a new contact and used this as her lunch. She got back and was eating at her desk when the phone starts ringing and someone walks into the office. At this point, a lady that brings her homemade jewelry comes in and she gets up and leaves the office with her and leaves me to tend to the phone and the customer at the counter. It is that kind of shit that pisses me off. So now, her lunch has lasted well over an hour!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
...Birthday Presents and Friends.
Call me selfish, call me ridiculous, call me whatever you want but I am pissed off that I didn't receive a birthday present on my last birthday from a friend of mine. A friend that has been a friend for more than 10 years. A friend who I visited and celebrated my birthday with about a week after my actual birthday, at which other people were giving me birthday presents. A friend for which I have ALWAYS gotten a birthday present for.
Is this wrong? Should I not expect a present from a person I have known for more than a decade and with whom we have always exchanged presents? I've tried to be mature and not get all pissy that I haven't gotten anything from her but really, I can't. I'm pissed. Not even a card! Not even a fucking card!
There are some people that I don't expect presents from. Even ones I've bought presents for, but this friend I expected one. And now I don't know what to do on her next I get her a present like always or be like "umm, you didn't give me anything so, well, nothing for you bitch!"
And for a friend of mine who I know is reading this, I am not talking about you...I'm talking about someone who I am pretty sure doesn't even know what a blog is.
...Friends, friends, friends.
By Ms. Dirty Laundry
It seems like at every major junction in my life (the end of high school, the end of college) I have gone through a mini-breakdown involving my friends. I used to worry that something was wrong with me…why couldn't I hold onto friends for more than a few years? Should I just put up with be treated shitty because I have a history with these people? I’d beat myself up over the fact that I didn’t really want to hang out with someone anymore. I had no idea how to deal with the fact that I felt I was being treated like shit by people who were supposed to be my friends. These people didn’t know me…they just spent the whole time complaining about their lives, or their parents, or how they had no money, or blah blah blah. I was sick of hearing it. I was sick of being the one that had to shoulder their shit.
I always came to the same decisions every time I hit this roadblock in my life. First and foremost I decided there was nothing wrong with me and that I wasn’t going to put up with their shit. I also, however, decided that part of the problem was my fault (much later on of course). While I am a firm believer that people seriously change throughout their lives and sometimes the directions that their lives take are totally different, I also believe that you don’t get in a position like that, with certain people, if you speak up and play your part in the friendship.
I now have a story about Miss BFF. Disclaimer, I am going to tell this story from my point of view, not hers. I realize she has her side of the story but this is my blog so I get to tell it about how I felt at the time and why I did what I did. And how it turned out.
I had this friend. We had been BFF’s since elementary school but in high school we started to hit snags. BFF started hanging out with a few other girls. In my opinion these girls were nothing but trouble…they slept around, had eating disorders, did hard drugs, were just down right bitches and were very cliquey. We will call them Miss Bitchy and Miss Bitchier. I was, and therefore I immediately did not fit in. I also couldn't understand why this girl, who I had been such good friend with for so long, could even be interested in hanging out with them. Or why she put up with the destructive behaviors they constantly participated in. When college came around, the road started getting even more bumpy for us. BFF partied a lot and didn’t go to school to often. I partied too, but got completely engrossed in college. She lied to her parents about her grades while I was working my ass off to get good grades and work part time. I started hanging out with the people in my classes, and she kept hanging out with Miss Bitchy and Miss Bitchier. Finally I just decided our roads had split and we were headed in different directions. I didn’t want to put up with being last in line for her attention ALL of the time. We started getting in stupid little fights (that I probably started…in retrospect of course, at the time they were ALL her fault!). I stopped calling her and ignored her calls a lot of the time because I had already decided I was done with her. It was my time to be a bitch and treat her like shit. I started hanging out with people I had more in common with; people I had classes with, or would see at parties all the time. I pretty much stopped hanging out with her except for the random sighting here or there, and maybe birthdays or something like. I just felt it was a time in my life where I was going to college, trying to better myself and here she was wasting her life partying the night away. I finally 'broke up with her'. I actually wrote her a letter and left it in her mailbox. There was stuff I wanted to say but just couldn't find the way to say it to her face. Nor, at the time, did I feel she deserved that. I felt like I had been treated like shit and taken advantage of, I was going to give her the respect of telling her I was done with her to her face.
For a long time she left me alone. We would run into each other at a party here or there but I was done with her. I was done with having her in my life. I was completely ok not having her be a part of my future in any way, shape or form. After some time (years) she called me, pretty much out of the blue, and asked me something. Asked me to take part in a very important thing in her life. Honestly, as I said yes, I was thinking to myself "why? Why does she want me to be involved? Why did I just say yes?" I honestly didn't think I would ever go through with it. I just thought I would never follow up and the subject would never come up again. In the end, I went through with it, and now that I look back, I am glad I was there. But even after that, I never really wanted her back in my life. I was still very wrapped up in the whole college scene and had a whole new set of friends and I was ok with that. She wasn't. She kept calling, I kept resisting. An occasional lunch here or there but all in all, I still felt like she was this complaining person that had taken advantage of me. I definitely still blamed our friendship falling apart on her. I had a lot to realize. She kept calling, she kept in touch. She wouldn't let me 'break up' with her. I honestly don't remember what brought us back together. In my opinion, we have both done a lot of growing up and somehow the roads of our lives have come back together. She is now a huge part of my life and one of my dearest friends.
In our situation, I had completely accepted parting ways and leaving her in my past. I also don't regret the way things happened or turned out because at the time, for many years, we were very different people. She wasn't the BFF from elementary school and I am sure I wasn't whatever she regarded me as. But somehow we found our way back to being friends. And I think our friendship is in a much more honest place than it could have ever been if we hadn't gone through what we went through. I think our friendship is in a place now where it will last a lifetime.
On that note, I've also ended up in situations with people that have separated myself from them, I realized how toxic they were to my life. I realized that their negative attitude was so toxic that it made everyone and everything around them miserable. These are the relationships that I have let go and my life is so much better for those decisions. Friendships are a lot of work but they should be worth the work; they should leave you with a confidant, a partner in crime, and someone that you can truly share your life with. They shouldn't leave you hating yourself, the world or them.
There’s this famous quote that I love that had always made me take a look at my friendships (even though it doesn't really have anything to do with my story but...): "Some people enter our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same."
Like I said, it’s a 2 way road…it’s just making the hard decision of whether the road has split up ahead or if it’s just in need of a few repairs.
...Random Things I Hate
By Ms. Dirty Laundry
- When you bite into a yellow jelly belly and think it is Pina Colada and get Buttered Popcorn.
- When you bite into a white jelly belly and think it is Coconut and get another fucking Buttered Popcorn. DON'T THE FUCKING JELLY PEOPLE REALIZE THAT PEOPLE LIKE PINA COLADA AND COCONUT WAY MORE THAN BUTTERED POPCORN!
- People who apologize for no reason...all the time. YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!
..more annoying TV
I forgot to add the following people to my annoying list:
- Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved By the Bell from Celebrity Fit Club)
- Flava Flav
- Judge Judy
- Tyra Banks and her lame talk show
- Shar Jackson
- Kevin Federline
And yes, I have annoying folks on TV who I can’t stop watching. But on the other hand there are people on TV who I probably should find annoying but oddly enough don’t for some reason. Those people include:
- Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth
- Nancy Grace
- Simon Cowell
- And
- Nichole Richie
- Kristen Cavaleri (kind of)
- Katie Couric
- Victoria Beckham
- Elizabeth Hasselbeck
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel like a need to go read a book.
its no big secret that i have some indulgences. magazines, clothes, coffee. whatever. better than what it used to be cigarettes, weed and booze. so i find it really annoying when one of my current splurges lets me down, continuously.
at starbucks this morning, i decided that i wanted a bran muffin. the guy informs me that they don't have have any.
carrot? no.
mixed berry? no.
apple scone? no.
banana walnut loaf? no.
lemon poppy loaf? no.
all they had was zucchini walnut. (which actually turned out to be good.) but WHY HAVE IT ON THE DRIVE THRU MENU IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT? that's all i am saying. i am seriously considering switching to the coffee bean. they have bomb bran muffins.
(now is when people ignore the main intention of the post to be shocked that the starbucks in Cali have drive-thrus. )
..."Difficult Friends"
I'm stuck on this situation for months now. To be honest I don't know what to do about Miss Life Sucks. She is a friend who I had known many years ago and had stopped speaking to her for awhile but then she found me thru myspace. It was nice to hear from her at first and we exchanged emails pretty much catching each other up on our lives since we last saw each other. She is a nice enough lady but she is so EMOTIONALLY HIGH MAINTENANCE. If you are back in her life man you are back up in there. She tells you every move she makes and wants you to advise her on every drama she has with everyone in her life. Her point of view is always, "Life sucks, men suck, family sucks, work sucks, etc." She never sees the glass half full it is always half-empty.
I think (though I don't know for sure) but the thing is that she clings on to one friend at a time and does everything with that, clubbing, lunches, etc...which is great I love to do that with my friends too. But with Miss Life Sucks she wants to manipulate all my time. I am so not having that. The other thing that bugs me is that she always has something to say about each of her friends and how they "wronged her". When I hear the stories it seems to be like they got since of her "woe is me" attitude and stopped hanging out with her.
I feel the way she sees life starts to depress me. She complains about so much going wrong in her life that she can't focus on the good. I start to wonder if I should be worried all the things I don't have or aren't going my way. But that isn't me I'm grateful for my life, happy with it, and try to focus on the good. I know friends are supposed to be there for each other but when is it OK to be a little selfish and do what's best for me? I know I don't get much support from her. There was a time she came to see me when I was sick but even still she was talking about all the times she was sick and people weren't there for her. I don't think she knows how to be happy with anything and I don't feel it's my job fix her life.
In the last couple of months I stopped returning calls or emails as a way to avoid her. Each email or voicemail is all needy and I can't handle it. Friendships are supposed to be a two way street...a give and take. I feel like I do all the giving and she keeps taking, taking and taking. Am I being a jerk here?
...Fucking Traffic!
I hate it. I hate when you can leave your house at the same exact time as you had left the day before and the day before that and then be a couple minutes late for work. I don't get it. Stupid fucking people need to pull their heads out of their ass and learn how to fucking drive. It took me three times this morning to get through one light.
Oh well, I still managed to be at my desk only three minutes late. Good thing I am a speed racer!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
...Annoying People on TV
I have to admit that I might have a little problem with the celebrity gossip/trash tv. I hate shows like “Flava of Love”, “I love New York”, “Sunset Tan” and the originator “The Real World”, but something takes over and I have to watch.
Top 10 most Annoying People on TV

9. Anderson Cooper because he just bugs. He takes himself way to seriously when doing stories such as “Paris’ time in Jail” or “Rosie vs. The Donald.” Get over yourself.
8. Brooke from the Real World Denver because she is insane, and proves it over and over again.
7. Dr. Robert Rey- on Dr. 90210. Does he really need to dress like the Joker?

come out of his slimy little mouth. Look at him. Eww. I want to go shower now.
5. Criss Angel because I just don’t trust men that wear eyeliner and he creeps me out.
4. Rosie O’Donnell because SHUT UP ALREADY. Go away. Oh, wait, she already did. Thank you ABC.

2. That Greco Guy from Cheaters. Is that guy for real? Can you say instigator.
1. Mariah Carey-I realize that is not really a TV star, but this episode of Cribs made me find her so annoying that not even her voice can be her saving grace.
Gotta run now, Real World is on.
...the "meeting"
I feel...I have no idea. I was so nervous going into this damn meeting and then I was excited thinking that everything was going to be taken care of and aired. But I walked out of there not feeling all that great. Maybe it is because I am a nice person and I hate when other people's feelings are hurt and knowing that I am partially to blame for it. I don't know. I mean, I feel good because I said what I needed to, but I feel bad because Miss Thing is all upset.
We went in there and the entire thing seemed to just stem from today's incident. I finally broke in and let Miss Thing know that today was just the icing on the cake and that there are numerous things that have been going on that haven't been brought up and made today really piss me off. (Our boss told her I flat ass said no that one of us wouldn't come back over to the office.) Anyhow, I let her know that I feel that she is just jealous that the student and I are friends and get along since they don't and that was the reason she made a big deal out of today. And then I continued to bring up the work issue and how I feel like she pushes stuff on me and so on. It was like she wasn't getting it. She kept telling our boss that she does her share of the work.
At this point is when I realized she started being very defensive and started getting emotional. She says that she feels like she gets the cold shoulder and is treated disrespectfully and so on. I let her know that I don't give her the cold shoulder. Believe it or not, I actually like this girl like I said in my first post about her. I just have a hard time with her work ethic. She sat there and said that I get all quiet and withdrawn and so on. Yes, I am going to be quiet when things are bothering me. I just can't be my chipper little self when I am trying to hold off from screaming nasty things. Call me crazy.... Anyhow, she tried turning it all on our student and how she is rude to her and she has no reason and blah, blah, blah. Well their issues go back over a year and it has nothing to do with me. Me being friends with the both of them just kind of puts me in the middle.
The student and her proceed to get into it and I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I used to be in a student like position before and in that kind of a position you get the shit work and people treat you like you are worthless and so below them. I felt myself instinctively defending our student and let Miss Thing know that she doesn't always treat her well and is back and forth with her and its not right. We came to the conclusion that they will never have a relationship other than at work. They won't be speaking to each other unless it has to do with work. Oh and I have to give our student credit because she brought up the hour and a half lunch and taking a company car for it and her coming to work on time and leaving work was brought up by our boss. Oh and I also brought up the secrets needed to stop because it is unfair and leaves everyone around feeling like they are being talked about. No one wants to work in a place like that.
I think that a lot was put on the table, but I just don't know what was really resolved. I mean, I feel good because I told her things that bothered me, but then I held some stuff back because she was getting so sad and upset that I felt like a bad person for continuing. It is just so crazy. So the conclusion in this: The student made herself clear on not liking Miss Thing and never being able to like her in the future, I said what made me mad, and NO ONE got in trouble.
...The Scale
Thank you my anonymous friends for the encouragement. I did go to my WW meeting last night and it wasn't so bad. Having not been there on a regular basis for a month I was only up 2lbs. That's really not bad because I know I indulged in way more than 2lbs of food in the last month. It's funny because the meeting topic was about "the road to success". It was encouraging and I made everyone laugh when I said I fell off my success road.
So here I go my 1,643,689 time on WW. I exaggerate it's only like my 5th or 6th time starting over. At least I'm doing it!
...MY Space!
Okay, so does my office/file room look like a fucking conference room to you?
NO! WHY do you hold your fing meetings here!!??
Ya know, we (some other "admin" staff & I) have been "talked" to regarding this very issue.
First let me tell you that I work in a very "public" area. Meaning everybody passes by me one way or the other while traveling thru the office. I guess you would say I'm right in the middle of EVERYTHING that goes on here. With that being said:
There are people who can't "concentrate" when there's other people talking, laughing, etc. Which I understand...really I do, it's frustrating, and distracting.
BUT...when it comes to MY area, at MY desk, it's like the rules don't exist!! I don't fucking understand it! What makes you think it's okay to flash me a dirty look when I have laughed out loud, yet when you come to my area, pass somebody next to my desk, you HAVE to stop and talk to them right there!!?? WHY? We have like 4 different conference rooms for this people! Not only that, but there are "corporate rules" that state, meeting are not to be held outside of a conference room!!
Okay Example: I'm gleefully typing away, and here comes Mr. Joker, who figits ALL THE TIME stops to tell me some stupid lame-ass joke, all the while tapping-tapping-tapping his cordless phone on my desk. Mind you I have NOT said anything to make him stop to talk to me. Then Mr. Opinion see's Mr. Joker stopped talking to me at my desk stops as well, and starts discussing this that or the other fing thing with him! OKAY....*sigh* *takes deep breath* Quietly "try's" to continue typing.
While all of this is going on, another girl we'll call her Ms. Moody stops because she see's Mr. Opinon talking to Mr. Joker and has a question/comment as well. So that's THREE people now!
Oh but it gets better! Mr. Joker, Mr. Opinion, & Ms. Moody are all talking behind me, as again I'm TRYING to work....then....Mr. Big Boss Man comes what do I do? Can't yell at him to get the fuck out. So here I sit, fuming, smoldering, typing, quietly.
FINALLY....Mr. Joker leaves, and with him followes Mr. Opinion like a puppy.
(This guy is always looking for a hand-out)
Ms. Moody is talking to Mr. Big Boss Man (not about work stuff) and then one of Boss Man's "Field Guys" walks in, and here we go AGAIN! There's a problem with such-in-such, yadda yadda, whawhawha. So I wait, and finally oh I dunno 1/2 hour later everybody's gone. And now I can go back to work.
So.....arrgggg....nothing I can do...
Just had to vent.
It happens all the time, just today, I have a place to talk about it! YAY for anonymous blogs!!
...things finally coming to a blow
For the past week, I have been very quiet in the office. Quiet because I don't really trust what could possibly come out of my mouth at any given second considering all the bullshit that is going on in the office and how annoyed I am about things. So I haven't been all bubbly like normal and talking about me and my life and all that is going on. I sit here at my desk, doing my work, blogging, and doing whatever else keeps me happy. Yesterday when my boss asked me the question that Miss Thing so rudely answered for me, I let her know that I would take care of said issue today. Said issue was about filing fiscal year stuff...something Miss Thing maybe has done once and that is questionable considering her work ethic. Anyhow, I got to work this morning, busted my ass to get all my shit done so the student and I could run next door, throw the old files in the recycle bin and then reorganize the rest of the stuff. This really is a simple task that shouldn't take long, but really does require two people because the boxes are heavy and doing it with one person would take forever.
Once all my shit was caught up, I grabbed our student and we headed next door with the huge ass recycle bin and got to work. I was taking the old files out to recycle and the student was transferring the files. Makes sense that when I empty a box she could start filling one. Well right about the time I get through emptying all the boxes into the recycle bin and the student and I are both working on transferring files (making it go sssssoooooooo much faster), out comes our supervisor. I honestly wasn't expecting in the slightest what was about to come out of her mouth. I seriously thought she was just coming over to see how our progress was going. Boy was I ever wrong. She say, "I really need to breath right now because I don't know what I am going to say and I don't think it is going to be nice." I start laughing and ask her what is going on.
Boss: "Miss Thing would like for one of you to come back into the office and help her. She has work piling up and the phone won't stop ringing. And she says it doesn't take two people to dump trash."
Sassy: "Are you fucking kidding me!??!?!?" (no joke, I really said just that with the fuck and all). "The phone hasn't rang all fucking morning. Not to mention, I have been the only one with the exception of ONE TIME that has been dumping the recycling while student has been transferring files. I will do the work when I get back over there."
At this point in time I explain to boss how two people are better than one and flat ass say that no, neither one of us will be over in the office until we are done. We demonstrate why two people are better than one and boss completely agrees. This makes me happy. But then I hear, "I think it is finally time for us to have a staff meeting."
This is something that we had talked about before, but I just wasn't expecting it right at that moment. The student and I both looked at each other and agreed that it really was time. We were told by our boss that this was our time and that we needed to be very open and honest about what is going on in the office and not hold back. That everything that is bothering us about Miss Thing needs to be said so we can deal with it and handle it once and for all.
The Boss came back over to the office and I really wish that I could have been a fly on the wall when she told Miss Thing that there was going to be a staff meeting. Mean while, the student and I continued about our business, getting the rest done in like fifteen minutes and then booked back over to the office so Miss Thing could stop stressing out (both laughing about the immaturity of course). As soon as we walk in our boss stops us and lets us know that the staff meeting is this afternoon. My stomach got a little twisted when I heard that. That is so soon. That is in like an hour or two. That is just so crazy. I am just nervous. Nervous because I am so bothered about so many things that I don't want to get in trouble with anything I say or how I say it. So this could be quite interesting.
Oh yeah! And since we have been back in the office, Miss Thing will not look at or speak to me or the student. She is in her area sulking and pouting. She won't even talk to our fellow co-workers that venture through our office.
Let the drama begin....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
...The Great Divide
When I started working at my current job, I was immediately struck with the immense divide between ‘management’ and ‘everybody else’. I was hired on in a management position but I never expected to be on one side of the huge political battle that quietly existed in my office.
Especially since this was my first real job and I had never been in a management position before.
A little background about the company that I work for. It is small. Not like ‘out of your garage’ small but less than 20 employees. It was even smaller when I started. All in all, we are young company, in every sense of the word. The company has been around for less than a decade. We work with many businesses that are relatively new themselves and our employee pool is young. And by young I mean everyone that works at the company is younger than 50, most by a decade or two. This is one of the reasons I was so surprised by the great divide. I guess I just assumed that because we were closer in age, closer in experience, closer in attitude, that this huge divide wouldn’t exist just because we had taken different paths in our career choices…Boy was I wrong!
In the first month, my boss tried to organize a happy hour to get everyone together in a more social setting. Plus we all liked to drink so what better way to get your employees happy it to let them off work a little early and buy them alcohol! I thought it was a grand idea. We thought everyone else did too…until that night when the only people that showed up were people who were considered managers. Umm, did they all forgot to leave work early and take up the boss on free liquor? Nope, they just didn’t want to hang out with us.
About a month later, I passed by the break room and overheard ‘everybody else’ talking about going to happy hour. I just assumed I hadn’t been asked because I was relatively new and they had all been working together for years. I didn’t say anything because, really, there was nothing to say. The next day I was hanging around talking to my boss and she asked me if I got invited to the happy hour the night before. Apparently at some point she had heard them talking as well. And hadn’t been invited either. And neither had any of the other ‘managers’.
I find it interesting that just because certain people, that might otherwise get along with someone else, segregate themselves based on the fact that those other people have a job title that contains “Manager.”
.....should have RAMMED THEM!
...minding your own business
Are you fucking kidding me???? That is really what I want to scream from the top of my lungs right now. A few deep breaths and a trip down the hall didn't even help this one.
I am sitting at my desk blogging...because that is what I like to do when all my work is caught up. That's right, all my shit is caught up because I actually come to work on time and do my fucking job. Therefore, my work isn't piled up all over my fucking desk and I am not complaining about being so behind. I digress. So as I am sitting here at my desk doing my own personal shit, my boss comes up and asks me a question to which I eagerly reply. The conversation between my boss and I go on and I take the initiative to involve the student because really, the work that we were talking about included her. The three of us are discussing something and all of a sudden, guess who decides to put her two fucking sense in???!!?! Yep, you got it right, Miss Thing herself. I thought I was going to get up, turn around and smack her in her fucking face. She sat there and answered the question that I just had been asked. I didn't even argue it. I looked at my boss, shrugged my shoulders, and went back to what I was doing. I am not going to sit here and argue over something to stupid as how to file something. And if I recall right, she is saying she knows how to do something better than me and the right way and I have been here and done it for years and she has been here not even 2. Whatever though. She must have "sensed" that I was annoyed because she says, "Sorry, didn't mean to step on anyone's toes."
Huh really? What the hell did you think that you were doing then??? Maybe if you didn't want that to happen you should have minded your own business. The question wasn't directed at you. You weren't even included in the conversation what-so-ever, not to mention, the subject at hand didn't have anything to do with you at all or involve you. Keep your fucking mouth shut when it doesn't concern you. I don't poke my nose in your business and over step when I shouldn't, so don't do it to me.
Oh yea, and also, don't pull something like that and then try to kiss my ass after. Stop asking me questions, stop talking to me, just please stop!
I am dreading going to my Weight Watchers meeting tonight. I haven't been going to the meetings lately and I feel awful about it. I don't want to go but I have to go and face the scale even if the number goes up. I hate that weight has always been an issue for me. Granted I don't let this depress me or stop me from living my life. It's just a nagging thing in the back of my head. I was doing so good before on WW, I had lost about 15 lbs but like always I gained it back and now since I rejoined I've only lost 5 lbs. It's been yo-yo...gain 5/lose stinks...BIG TIME.
I guess the right thing is to go to the meeting, get on the scale, get my "new" number and start over. Right? UGH!!! I wish I didn't love food so much! I wish my metabolism was faster!
...What Do I Do?
So at work....
we'll call her: Princess
She's gone thru a real real bad time lately....and I can understand not wanting to eat because your too stressed and just can't fathom swallowing something down when all you feel like is throwing up.
And no I'm not talking pregnancy here. There are two separate issuses at hand with her. I'm only speaking of one here.
I'm talking about being SO depressed you don't eat, sleep, think, etc. I'm talking about being so lost within yourself you can't take care of you, or anything else around you.
Well, she's now looking anorexic....even more so like she's doing drugs (which she's not believe me)
It's become so unhealthy and still she refuses to eat. The bigger problem is: She thinks she looks good! Everytime you say: "Let's go eat" She covers her mouth and says "errpptt food!" (acting like she's gonna throw up)
So... HOW do you approch somebody, and tell them. "You LOOK LIKE SHIT! You need to eat!!" ??
...still being bitter
I am still bitter from yesterday. I don't know why, but I am. Miss Thing walked in the office today and I was pissed by her presence. It annoyed me just seeing her. Not to mention, I was sitting here talking to my boss and had to end my conversation with her because I didn't want Miss Thing knowing my personal life. I am very fortunate. I talk to my boss about EVERYTHING. She is wonderful. She listens, she gives great advise, and she doesn't judge me. Plus she is someone that isn't a close friend that I can tell her things and not worry about how they may judge me or anyone else in my life. She isn't biased.
I don't think I even said hello to her. In fact, I know I didn't say anything to her and in turn, she hasn't bothered speaking to anyone else in the office. So now she is playing the silent game. So fucking mature I tell you.
I think that this could be a super long day of bullshit. Maybe I will take a few hours of sick time this afternoon and bail out of here early because I really think I might say something I shouldn't.
Monday, August 20, 2007
...being a know it all
You would think that Miss Thing would have been a bit humbled this morning after I put her in her place with dealing with our customer. After all, I was right and she was wrong and she looking like a fucking idiot for arguing with me. Oh but no. She still thinks and acts like she knows everything and is so much better at everything that anyone else. Correct me if I am wrong, but she can't even get her fucking work done. She is working on stuff that should have been done weeks ago if not longer. Therefore, she shouldn't even be trying to get involved in anything that I am working on or our student. HA! Definitely not the case. Nope, she needs to have her fucking nose and finger in all of it. She has to be right there adding in her two cents which really no one wants to hear and grate on our nerves.
One of our workers called about a work order I put in that needed something changed on it. Typically in a situation like that, the call is given to the person that did the work. That didn't happen. Instead, she took it upon herself to make the change. I guess it isn't that she did the work because it is hard to get her to work. It was more the phone conversations that came along with it. The "I know everything" sound. Oh it drives me fucking crazy. Please sweetie. Let's get something clear here. Out of the three of us in the office, you make far more mistakes than the student and I put together. Not to mention, if a mistake is made on my part or our student, it is something super minute and easily fixable. That is not the case with most of her mistakes. And they happen frequently. I know that she was talking like she was just to rub in that I did make a mistake. I AM FUCKING HUMAN TOO!!! As much as I would love to be perfect, I am not...close, but not quite! hahahaha! Dumb bitch. I want to hit her in her fucking face.
And as I am writing this right now, she is sitting behind me trying to ask me questions about my life and my family. Don't fucking talk to me after you pull your stupid shit like that. I have nothing to say to you nor do I want to include you on my personal life right now. Right now, I want to scream at you, so it would be best for you to keep your damn distance from me!
...whispering and secrets
And being secretive!
Oh my goodness. I just don't know how I stay remotely sane while at work some times. I do try to just mind my business like I have said, but some times it is really hard. Let's take this morning for example. I dealt with a customer first thing and told her that she would be taken care of. Well customer called back and thought she was talking to me, but was instead talking to Miss Thing and was told that she wouldn't be taken care of. This same customer called back AGAIN (third time!) and talked to our student asking how she was told one thing and then told another and wanted me to call her back. So I asked Miss Thing and she sat there arguing with me. So I pointed out, how could this girl have a request in since March and then you be telling her right now that it can't be done just because she she is changing some numbers. Of course this pisses Miss Thing off even more. So she calls up our customer and is rudely asking her to explain exactly what she wants and so on and then proceeds to tell her that she is going to have to call a supervisor to make sure this is ok to approve and go ahead with. Again I think to myself, "How the fuck are we going to tell her it isn't when it has been scheduled for 4 fucking months!?!??!" Whatever. She handled it, she was told that this has all be approved for 4 months, and all was well or so I thought.
She made sure to get up and go directly into our supervisor's office that is right next to ours and start whispering about something. Honestly, why would you do that? Why would you go in there and start whispering after you get pissed off at me and do it for me to see?? This being done by a person who can't stand not knowing everything fucking little thing that goes on in this office along with every other person that works with us. It is the most annoying thing ever. If I talk to someone quietly about something to make sure not everyone that is around hears, she flips out. Yet when I say something quiet, I make sure to include her knowing how she feels. I just hate whispering so much and I hate more than anything when it is done to make you feel like it is about you.
Not to mention, she has been pulling shit like this for a week. Every little thing is a big fucking secret. She has to know everything and doesn't want anyone else to know. I think maybe because she feels like she is better than everyone thinking she knows more. Maybe it gives her a sense of importance. All I know is it is pissing me off and our student as well. It is a childish game to play and we are just done.