Tuesday, September 11, 2007

...something FISHY

by Sassy

This has been a strange week so far. I know, it is only Tuesday, but I am not lying...shit is just not normal. I guess maybe it started last week, but it has gotten very noticeable this week. Miss Thing is just not being herself. I don't know what it is or really how to explain it. All I do know is that Miss Thing is actually working. That's right...she is actually trying to keep on task and to herself and catch up on all that she is behind on. See, something fishy. That isn't like her. She doesn't keep to herself and just absorb herself in her work. I am wondering if her recent split with her psycho ex is adding to it, but whatever it is, it is starting to make me a little uneasy.

Now, she was late to work yesterday, but she really did work the majority of the day. She didn't seem to want to participate in any of the office gossip which is completely abnormal because she always seems to be in the middle of everything. I have mentioned how she refuses to answer the phone. Ha! Not lately. She is doing everything in her power right now to beat the student and I to it and is sickeningly sweet to everyone that calls. Honestly, we are just sitting here thinking, "What the fuck is going on?!?!!" Another thing that made our jaws drop was her jumping right up when the mail came and actually went through it and put it away. I honestly couldn't begin to even think of the last time she got off her ass to do the mail. No matter if the student was gone and I was slammed with my own work, she would never do the mail. So why the hell did she do it today so willingly? What the fuck is going on with her?

I want to think that maybe she is really trying to be a better co-worker and that she is trying to better her work ethic. But after everything, including the meeting we had, I don't really think that is the case. Which really leaves me wondering when shit is going to hit the fan. Because that is all that I am expecting at this point.

Another thing. Every time our boss gets up out of her office, Miss Thing is sure to go straight in there and get on her computer. Now I understand going in there and glancing at our boss's email to see if work has come in that wasn't distributed, but to actually sit down at her desk and be clicking around for minutes, is really unnecessary. It takes no more than two seconds to forward the work to yourself and it really doesn't involve a bunch of clicking. All it looks like to us is that she is in there snooping through our boss's personal emails. This isn't at all surprising to me. I know she always feels like she is being talked about and is very aware that my boss sit and email back and forth on a regular basis. Things just seem weird.


FingRockStar said...

Sounds to me like that bitch got cornered and told, LOOK, you either work, OR there's the door! Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out!
I'd like very much like you to believe that she's actually changing, BUT....uh...yea

Anonymous said...

I would take it for what it is and hope she really is making an effort. Maybe mention something to her that you notice the improvement and thank her. It might make her continue working hard knowing the effort isn't unnoticed.