Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Getting to know someone else...

Posted by Ms. Dirty Laundry

I recently went on a trip with a girlfriend. Her significant other was also there, as well as a couple that he knows. I had never met the other couple but were told 'they were fun, they were nice'. They were nice enough but at the end of the weekend I could tell you how long they have lived where they live, where they lived before that, why they moved, what they did for a living, what they liked to do for fun, how long they had been together, how they met, and a few other random details.

They could tell you my name.

Since when did being interested in someone else (or at least pretending to be for the sake of common courtesy or pure boredom) go out the window with the dirty dish water? How is it that someone could sit there and answer question after question about themselves and NOT ONCE respond with a "What about you? What do you do?"

Now I used to be a shy person and wasn't always the first person to start a conversation with someone I barely knew but I always would ask questions if questions were asked about me. I just cannot fathom how you could sit there answering all these questions about yourself and not once ask something back...it just completely blows me away that someone could be so self-absorbed to not even ask a single thing about me when I could tell you half their life story!


Sassy said...

That would annoy the hell out of me. It is people like that that I try to ignore and don't pat attention to the shit that comes out of their mouth! So annoying

Jen said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok- I am one of those people that likes to talk A! LOT! and although I do not believe that any of my conversations have been as one-sided as what you are describing- I have to CONSCIOUSLY remind myself to ask others about themselves because if they keep firing questions away at me I can keep talking about myself all the live-long day! So, I can see how it can happen- but I think part of being an adult is being able to engage others and have reciprocal conversations...

Anonymous said...

I tune out people like that. I know on a trip it's hard but in my group of friends if removed myself from the conversation because I just can't be bothered to listen to the "preacher".

I try to be aware of everyone who is in the conversation. I'll ask the person being quite a question or try to engage them but some people don't have that sensitivity.