Wednesday, September 5, 2007

...people driving me nuts!

Posted By: FingRockStar
Mood: FingGrouchy!'s one of those days...fucking people piss me off everywhere. So lately I haven't been driving cause I recked my fucking car. I know I shouldn't say this....but I HATE being the passanger now. It always seems that the person I am riding with are paying more attention to talking to me in the morning, than to actually driving! K PEOPLE, I just got into a reck! I'm scared to death of hitting another idiot, and vise versa. Fucking watch the road in front of you, GET into the lane you need to be in, and don't cut people off to get on the freeway just cause the laft lane is TWO cars shorter than the right!! Arrgghhh! Think ahead would ya already! There's other people on the road besides you, a little consideration would be nice. Just a little, I swear, I'm not asking for too much!
I know I shouldn't be bitching at all, seeing as I'm getting free rides to work, and I dearly LOVE the lady who gives me rides everyday. But I wish she would think ahead a litle more, so I would have to grab the "Oh shit" handle a little less. Haha


Anonymous said...


I am the same way about being the passenger. I HATE the way all my friends drive with the exception of my dad (20 yr taxi driver he knows his shit). My friends are that way either talking (with their mouths and hands) or messing with the radio, or the road rage screaming or my BIGGEST PET PEEVE putting on makeup while trying to drive. I just want to say LET ME OUT!

I hope you werent' hurt, any shot of getting your car fixed?

misguidedmommy said...

yeah people need to learn to be sensitive to others when they are driving them. my grandma hyperventilates if you go on the freeway, over 25 or you switch lanes, or you don't have your hands on ten and two..i'm ultra mega conscious when i drive with her

FingRockStar said...

No I wasn't hurt at all. I was at a STOP sign of all things...I'll blog the story, maybe.
Yes the car will be fixed, been out for a little over a month now. Original estimate to fix was $12,500
*taps fingers impatiently on desk*
argghhhh, I want MY freedom BACK!

Gossip monster! said...

Sounds like my mother! Scarey shit!

i am particually crap passenger, breaking for people and gripping my seat.

Funny thing is me and my husband fall out when he drives, he goes to close to curb and cuts people up for no reason. So now when we go place i drive so avoid the fall out!