Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Posted by: Bow Down

I've decided it might be fun to post things on here about my mother in law. So that’s a new segment I'm going to start. Today's little gem. DISHES! Omg people this woman’s dish doing capabilities freak me right out. Little scenario. In her kitchen there is a plastic tub next to her sink, visualize a large tub of ricotta cheese. In the tub is some grayish water. In the water is some soap (maybe if there is any left) and a sponge. Obviously this is cold water since there is no magic plastic tub heating mechanism, and obviously there is no drain so this water never gets cleaned.

Now lets walk over and put a dish in her sink. She will then walk over, grab said nasty sponge from the tub rub the dish, rinse it and call it a day.

Wait, lets rewind. She just pulled the sponge out of the stagnant water and washed the dish. Umm NO!

So can you now imagine why when she comes to my house I practically beg her not to do my dishes. I have this cute little frog dish that sits by my sink. After the sponge is used, and thoroughly rinsed and dried the sponge sits in the frog. So you can imagine my horror when she does my dishes and I find a little puddle of nasty water sitting there. If she comes to your house to do your dishes she will put some soap on the sponge and not resoap or wash the sponge till the end. Then she still doesn't wash the sponge she just sticks it full of water in her little puddle of water in my frog.

So help me God it makes me break out in hives. This means that when she leaves I will rewash every dish in my house by hand and then for extra hotness power shove them all in the dishwasher on screaming hot and re clean them ALL.

Soooo what about you, anything your MIL does to drive you fucking insane?


Anonymous said...

That is disgusting. We have never actually had my mother-in-law over to our house so she has never had the opportunity to do dishes- but I am pretty sure she wouldn't do THAT!

My MIL annoys me because she full on makes decisions that CLEARLY involve me and doesn't even care what I have to say about it. And if I TELL HER what I think about anything she just ignores me and pretends I didn't say anything. I AM IGNORED! Ugh!

A! LOT! of my husband's family seems to be that way.

FingRockStar said...
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FingRockStar said...

I think I am the luckiest girl in the world...my M.I.L. is AWESOME! Not only is she born to shop, she shops for ME!! The only thing I must say I thought was a little strange is...
She HAS to wash towels EVERYDAY. She uses them once, and throws them into a "special" laundry basket for the daily towel load. Weird! She WILL NOT use the same towel twice in a row.
Honestly I think that's it. And now 10 years down the line, it really doesn't seem that strange to me anymore. It only took 10 years though!