Friday, September 14, 2007

...Not Getting Better!!

By Star Gazer

Ok, sorry it's been awhile since I've blogged. I had computer issues at home and have been busy with work. But I can't take it anymore. Rude Ass is getting worse, and no one seems to care except me. The only reason I care, is because when she doesn't do something, it falls on me.

So things had gotten better for a short time. She made random comments about wishing people would ask her for help. I wanted to tell her the reason they don't is you get pissed when they do. She's gotten worse with speaking a different language, and then arguing about how it's her right, since we stole this country from her. Whatever!! I didn't steal anything from YOU. So quit saying I did!!! But here is why I'm so mad: Because she speaks another language, she has been asked to translate for different agencies. Which is fine, however, it always seem that her work load then gets piled on me.

We are responsible for covering another persons lunch. for along time, I have been by myself, so I took an hour of my day, everyday to cover lunch, cause it was my job. She starts and is upset because she has to do it for a week. I was like, cry some more Rude Ass, I did it for like 3 months straight. She didn't seem to agree with me. She thinks it's unfair she has to do it. Well, so do I, but it's MY JOB!! So I go to my supervisors, and let them know we need to work on a revolving schedule so that I'm not the one stuck doing it every day. They agree, and surprisingly, she does Rude Ass. This is her week, and guess how many days she's actually done her job? TWO, that's right 2 out of 5. She has been asked to translate 3 days this week, and funny how it happens at lunch every day!! So, now, I'm covering lunch 3 days this week, and hmm, next week she has a few lunch translation meetings too, so I get screwed no matter what. I just went hand had a discussion with my supervisor. He them said he would talk to her supervisor, and we would work something out. Funny thing though, Rude Ass didn't even tell her supervisor she was translating this week. Her sup didn't even know. I swear!! What is wrong with people!!!!!

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