Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Random bitches and moans

Posted by: Bow Down

* Why is it mother in laws have a way of making you feel like shit? Mine has major issues with my weight. Even after I lost nearly 45 pounds once on the Atkins diet, making me a respectable 145 her only comment was, well keep it up you still have a long ways to go! FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!

* Does it seem like everone in the world wants to tell you that the way you parent is wrong. Even if you are doing the same thing they did, it is wrong, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT IS YOU DOING IT THIS TIME!

* You know what I really hate. I really hate people who are over weight, and whine about it as they sit there eating 1200 calories worth of lunch from Wendy's.

* I hate it even more when skinny people eat 4 french fries and a salad and then exclaim that they are sooo full, and ate sooo bad, and really should start eating better. Shut up you skinny whore and enjoy your fucking fries.

* I hate when people constantly say they want to diet but make up excuses why they can't. There is no excuse you simply don't want to do it! Don't tell me that you can't do it because the food you like simply can't be made healthy, or that you refuse to eat this or that. I hate HATE HATE yogurt but when I'm dieting I eat it and learn to like it. I also think it is funny when they say things like, well this is jus thow my body is shaped, I'm going to be big no matter what. No you jack ass you just have four inches of fat between you and your bones, your bones really aren't that big.

* I hate when fat people tell you, you are fat. My uncle did this shit to me last week. He not only told me I looked fat, he went as far as to say yeah those pants make you look even fatter. Ummmm no one turned around and looked at him and said gee you look like you could lose 80 lbs did they? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

* I hate when skinny people grab invisible saddle bags or belly fat and complain that they really have to lose that and work out more. Seriously, SERIOUSLY, spend a day in my body when I'm overweight and then you will learn to appreciate your teeny tiny invisible saddle bags. When I was 180 and I got down to 160 I felt so pretty at 160 and appreciated it soo mcuh. However when you are 115 and you go up to 118 please don't complain about it, you look stupid!

**disclaimer, no friends I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about things I've encountered at work lately, or in the last few months so relax!


Anonymous said...

Ok Seriously! I used to be one of those people that was like 115 and constantly thought I needed to work out and lose weight. This is how much our society has FUCKED UP women's body images! I shit you not, my ideal weight was between 100 and 105. Now that I am pregnant I look back at pictures of me from when I was 115 and think I look great! Healthy, normal, even ATHLETIC! Yet I was always striving for better... WHY? Because society tells me to be THINNER!! FLAWLESS! AIRBRUSHED! SIX PACK ABS!! OMG- now I realize it is totally superficial and totally unrealistic. I feel like I have a much healthier idea of body image now and never again will I bitch about being FAT at 115...

Oh and FRIES! MMmmmmM!

Gossip monster! said...

God i love this post! Welcome to my world too!