Friday, September 7, 2007

...getting more frustrated by the minute

by Sassy

The day started off good. It was awesome seeing all the hot air balloons that were gorgeous and oh so close to my work. Not to mention, the morning was quiet, our student has been cracking my ass up AND Miss Thing was actually on time. But now as time is wearing on, Miss Thing is starting to irritate me more and more by the second it seems. She has been sticking her nose into everything that has NOTHING to do with her. Little things...stupid things. It is like she just isn't getting the attention that she needs and is seeking it or something. There was a computer/IT guy in here and asked for me to come learn how to do something and when we got in the hall he made some comment after a scene she made along the lines of, "Wow, rough day in the office huh?" Just goes to show I am not nuts here people. I just am tired of her not pulling her weight. It has been incredibly slow today and she still hasn't gotten shit done. Whatever. All my stuff is done and caught up and now I get to spend the rest of my day screwing off doing what I want.

Another thing that is getting to me today. I work with a bunch of guys and have known a lot of them for going on seven years. There are a few in particular that I am super close with. Well, this hasn't exactly been the best week for me and for some reason, Mr. Sweetness that I adore talking to and seeing on a daily basis was a total ass the other day. I don't know what the hell was up his ass or what went on, but all I know is that we aren't talking now. He knows that I am bothered with him and I told him why and he just is continuing to be a jerk. I don't know if he is doing it to get my goat or what. It is to the point that when he walks in the office, we just won't even speak to each other. And he makes rude little marks. I can't imagine him being serious about it, but all I know is that I am just in no mood to put up with that kind of bullshit from him or anyone right now because I am just a little cranky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Sweetness is PMS-ing...I know a bunch of guys that get all bitchy once a month...hope he goes back to being his normal self.