Thursday, September 20, 2007

...Here's NOT looking at you kid

Posted By: FingRockStar
Mood: FingWondering how come, when somebody calls my name, (and I'm smack-dab in the middle of something) they expect me to just drop, or STOP what I'm doing to look at them so they can explain to me what they want done?? (Not to mention I probably ALREADY know what to do, and I know that eye contact is polite, but if it's obvious that I'm in the middle of something, and/or looking down and concentrating, why would I stop to look up at you? What makes you so special?) I tell ya it drives me Fing CRAZY! Even my husband does this every now and again. What is so god-damned important that I MUST stop in the middle of what I am doing...can't you just wait the five more minutes it's going to take me to finish?! See what happens is, I'm trudging along, in the middle of a thought, and then so-in-so (whoever it might be that day) says: "Hey 'RockStar'...*pauses for me to stop for them*..."can you do this, that, oh! and the other too!" Grrrr. Now my concentration is completly BLOWN, where the hell did I leave off, "Hey that page doesn't go there, WTF, what happened here!." How is this all backwards and upside down now? WTF!!!"
It has even gone as far as one person, that I can't nick name (cause I actually really like him) tried interrupting me in the middle of a phone call! Wanna know why? No, allwell, I'm gonna tell you anyway...because HE wanted me to number his FUCKING report sheets 1 thru whatever. Can you believe that! I swear, not even bleeding. (meaning no real emergency)

*Sigh* Okay, there's my little rant for this week. Sorry it's not more exciting. Until my next bitch-fest!

1 comment:

misguidedmommy said...
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