Friday, September 28, 2007
The Office
I swear it would be a miracle if for just one week, things could go well in my office. It truly would. This week has been a damn roller coaster. Since our lasagna lunch that Miss Thing did to kiss my ass, things have just gone crazy. She has gone from doing absolutely anything to going out of her way to do things AND beat me to work. I just don't understand. Why the hell can't there be a happy medium???
Let's start with Monday. Oh and let me add that this is supposed to be her early week. I show up to work expecting to see Miss Thing here and no Miss Thing. I laugh because I half expected it and then awaited the excuse that was sure to come on why we weren't graced with her presence. She didn't show up til 9:00 and I don't think worked on anything until at least 10:00. It was really busy in the office on Monday and I was incredibly swamped with a crazy amount of work. I made sure to be social with her, but also let it be known I had a lot to get done on. Well, throughout the day, I noticed that Miss Thing was competing for work. She was literally trying to answer the phone before me...which she really has to try at and also get work from the guys before me. It got to the point that I just stopped trying to answer the phone and absorbed myself with my own thing. I just figured, whatever.
Then Tuesday comes along. She is in one of her moods and is buzzing around and trying to be all important. I noticed her start playing the game of beating me to things, so I just formed a bubble and stayed in it. Well, the guys that we work with know that if they give me work to do, it gets done. There are a lot of guys that just put work in the in basket, but there are the ones that I am close to that will walk their work to me and know it will take no time at all for me to get it done rather than waiting at least an hour that it takes Miss Thing. On one occasion, one of my guys was in here and he went to hand me some work and Miss Thing got out of her chair, walked up to the guy who was right next to me and took the work to do saying that I was too busy and had other stuff that I was working on. I couldn't believe it. Since when do you ever go out of your way to do work!?!??!?! You don't. I let it go. Then at one point while she was down the hall doing who knows what, I had a guy come in that I was helping and then the radio went off. So I was writing down the work for the person on the radio when Miss Thing comes back in. Keep in mind, she has missed 3/4 of the conversation over the radio. I tell the guy I will get his work in and all of a sudden, Miss Thing pipes up repeating to me the small part she heard because she was trying to do the work. I, as calmly and nicely as I could, just let her know that I would do it because she doesn't have all the information. I finished helping the guy at my desk and when he went away, I let her know that she didn't even hear half of what was needed and that is why I was going to do the work. THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, there is a then. Another guy comes in and him and I are chatting and I walk up to him to grab the work to be done and have it IN MY HAND, when Miss Thing rushes up from where she was just sitting there talking to another lady and GRABS the work out of my hand and says, "I will do this, you have done enough today." It took everything in my control to not fucking rip her face off. I just stood there taking deep breaths and then just walked back to my desk. You don't take work out of someones hands. That is just something that you don't do. Not to mention, as I am slammed with a crazy amount of work to do, she didn't bother asking if I needed help and in turn took almost a two hour lunch at her desk and spent most of it on the phone.
Monday and Tuesday were so annoying for me and I kept finding mistakes that she made that I showed them to my boss on Tuesday after Miss Thing had gone home for the day. Wednesday comes and Miss Thing comes to work saying that her uncle that had cancer passed away and so my boss said she was going to wait to talk to her about her mistakes. I thought that was only polite and went about the morning giving Miss Thing space. I expected the day to be quiet...oh how wrong I was. Our student and I were so boiling pissed by 10am it wasn't funny. Miss Thing then went to our boss, told her she was uncomfortable and asked if something was wrong that she didn't know about. So, our boss took that as the opportunity to approach her on her mistakes which only could have come about with me showing them to our boss. And that is when shit really got bad.
As soon as our boss was done explaining to her what she did wrong AGAIN and what needed to happen, Miss Thing piped up asking for another office staff meeting. My blood was fucking boiling. I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about. All she had to do was ask me about it and I would have talked to her about it. I kept working and tried not to talk to her because I knew this time, I wouldn't be able to be nice and I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. That is when she comes to my desk with the work that our boss had talked to her about and all snotty like asked me if I needed any of it. The first two I told her she could throw away and that I needed the other one to file. It was then that it came spewing out - "Is this what you called the staff meeting for? Cause if it is, then you can just talk to me about it right now." She said it was that and some other things and we started to get into it and a customer walked in. My boss called and told me to pull her into the conference room, so when she was done I did.
I didn't get any nicer. It was in there that I told her how inappropriate it was that she was literally taking work out of my hand and that I didn't appreciate it. I let her know that I felt like she was competing with me and our student and that it was out of line. I said that it annoys us that she goes from not answering the phone to trying to beat us to it, from not doing work and now trying to do everything. I unleashed on her. She apologized and said that she just didn't want us thinking that she wasn't doing her share. I let her know that was all fine, BUT there needs to be a happy medium.
Then the real story came out. It was then that she let me know that she feels left out. That's right, she is 44 and feels left out because I am close to our 19 year old student and our boss. Not only that, but it makes her upset when the guys just bring work to me and not to her. I let her know that in no way is she left out of anything and that if the guys bring me work to do, that is their thing and nothing for her to worry about. I don't mind doing the work and if I need help or can't do it, it will be in the inbox for her to do.
Needless to say, I put everything out on the table and yesterday (even though she was a couple hours late) was a good day. She was more normal and neutral and not competing. Today...she called in.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fucking family
You know, I've been writing a lot about my in laws on here. I only do it because they give me so much amo. My husband has this family member who doesn't live in our state. This person likes to drive to our city for a night, to get drunk and party. Usually this means they sit at my house getting trashed in the hours before, then go out, come stumbling home, waking me up and then leave in the morning. When they leave there are piles of beer cans, stains on the carpet, liquor bottles, a messy guest room and bathroom. I am sick of this. I am the most frustrated because to me, unless you are coming to town to see someone you shouldn't stay with them. I can understand once but 4-5 times now this person has come here for no reason other then to party. Not to spend time with us, or hang out just to party. If all you are doing is coming here to party then go stay somewhere else.
My husband’s parents do this shit to. I've mentioned his mom does the dishes (ick) but that is it. Her idea of cleaning doesn't include wiping counters or putting away plates of food or generally doing any actual cleaning at all. This means that last time they left, I had stains all over my white counters, plates of food left out and so on. I was totally appalled.
And although they always say they are coming here with the intentions of seeing the family they never actually spend any time with the family. Instead they rush through family time so they can run off and gamble. In fact, last time they went so far as to invite my parents over for breakfast the next morning and then wake up and be so ancy to go gamble they tried to skip breakfast all together and just go to the casino. After seeing that I clearly needed to eat, and one other family member needed to eat to take his meds, they said fine we can eat at the casino, and never thought to call and cancel with my parents. (i would have done so but I was unaware of the invite until three days later). After breakfast two of them were so busy gambling they couldn't even come give us a proper goodbye. So they hadn't seen their grandson in 6+ months I think closer to 8 but it was more important to gamble then to come and say good-bye.
On top of all of this, the only time they come to visit us is on our sons birthday and then one other time for Christmas. Other then that they assume it is our responsibility to drive there and see them. We are young, can't afford that much gas money and time off work to drive there just to hear that his dad has to go fishing and his mom has to go out with her friends. In the end it turns out to be a wasted trip because they end up spending zero time with my son and then the next thing I know we are paying for more gas and coming home leaving me thinking, what the fuck just happened.
The final straw though was this last birthday when they came up. They had the following complaints. The people who chose to sleep in the guest room really seriously complained that I did not have a flat sheet. Let me explain my guest bed to you. When I was little we were poor and I slept on one of those little kid fold out couches as a bed. When I was in 8th grade my parents started a business and came into some money. The first thing they bought me was a bed. It is a queen size pillow top ultra comfy bed. Seriously people, I've had people ask to spend the night with me just to spend a night in this bed. On top of the bed, is a 600.00 feather bed (yes you read right). The cover on this is imported fabric from Italy aprx 800+ thread count Egyptian cotton and hand sewn together by Scandia Down (go ahead and check out that place some time, it is the best quality bedding ever). On top of that is a feather duvet, that also cost as much as a car. Again it is covered in the highest quality bedding. Since I had that, I have never felt it was necessary for a flat sheet as it would just get kicked to the bottom and the cover on that is so soft I would never ruin that by using a flat sheet. My pillowcases all match and are the same material. I have 4-5 sets of bedding for this bed so it gets washed after every visit, and generally I wash it if it sits for to long unused. So you can imagine how totally appalled I was when they had the nerve to complain about the bed. They told me the feather duvet was to heavy so I pulled out a plush Ralph Lauren quilt that I use in summer that cost me no less the $300.00 and is one of the damn softest things ever on the planet. They were appalled that I wanted them to use that with out a flat sheet, and they thought I should have washed it out of taking it down from the guest room closet, never mind it had been washed before being put there. Then his uncle complained about the pillowcase I gave him for his pillow. It was a fucking Hotel Collection 600 thread count Egyptian cotton pillowcase. Please tell me what the fuck you can find to complain about that. PLEASE! In the morning I was left with a destroyed guest bed, blankets all over my couch and pillows everywhere. Blankets on my floor, dirty counters, dirty kitchen table and a disgusting guest bathroom.
Then they wanted to take leftovers home with them. I have a bad habit of leaving my Tupperware at work and I only have two left in my house that my husband uses for his lunch. They gave me snarky looks and made snide comments because I suggested they put the food on a paper plate and cover it with foil for the trip home. What the fuck was I thinking!
Now let me tell you what would have happened if any single family member of mine had stayed over. The kitchen would have been left so immaculate it would put a cleaning service to shame. The bathroom would be so clean you could eat of the toilet seat. The guest sheets would have been washed and put back on the bed. The living room would have been immaculate. My fridge would have been cleaned out. My garage would have been cleaned and my carpets vacuumed.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Random bitches and moans
* Why is it mother in laws have a way of making you feel like shit? Mine has major issues with my weight. Even after I lost nearly 45 pounds once on the Atkins diet, making me a respectable 145 her only comment was, well keep it up you still have a long ways to go! FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!
* Does it seem like everone in the world wants to tell you that the way you parent is wrong. Even if you are doing the same thing they did, it is wrong, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT IS YOU DOING IT THIS TIME!
* You know what I really hate. I really hate people who are over weight, and whine about it as they sit there eating 1200 calories worth of lunch from Wendy's.
* I hate it even more when skinny people eat 4 french fries and a salad and then exclaim that they are sooo full, and ate sooo bad, and really should start eating better. Shut up you skinny whore and enjoy your fucking fries.
* I hate when people constantly say they want to diet but make up excuses why they can't. There is no excuse you simply don't want to do it! Don't tell me that you can't do it because the food you like simply can't be made healthy, or that you refuse to eat this or that. I hate HATE HATE yogurt but when I'm dieting I eat it and learn to like it. I also think it is funny when they say things like, well this is jus thow my body is shaped, I'm going to be big no matter what. No you jack ass you just have four inches of fat between you and your bones, your bones really aren't that big.
* I hate when fat people tell you, you are fat. My uncle did this shit to me last week. He not only told me I looked fat, he went as far as to say yeah those pants make you look even fatter. Ummmm no one turned around and looked at him and said gee you look like you could lose 80 lbs did they? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
* I hate when skinny people grab invisible saddle bags or belly fat and complain that they really have to lose that and work out more. Seriously, SERIOUSLY, spend a day in my body when I'm overweight and then you will learn to appreciate your teeny tiny invisible saddle bags. When I was 180 and I got down to 160 I felt so pretty at 160 and appreciated it soo mcuh. However when you are 115 and you go up to 118 please don't complain about it, you look stupid!
**disclaimer, no friends I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about things I've encountered at work lately, or in the last few months so relax!
...having so much to talk about
Much more to come later.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
...Here's NOT looking at you kid
Mood: FingWondering how come, when somebody calls my name, (and I'm smack-dab in the middle of something) they expect me to just drop, or STOP what I'm doing to look at them so they can explain to me what they want done?? (Not to mention I probably ALREADY know what to do, and I know that eye contact is polite, but if it's obvious that I'm in the middle of something, and/or looking down and concentrating, why would I stop to look up at you? What makes you so special?) I tell ya it drives me Fing CRAZY! Even my husband does this every now and again. What is so god-damned important that I MUST stop in the middle of what I am doing...can't you just wait the five more minutes it's going to take me to finish?! See what happens is, I'm trudging along, in the middle of a thought, and then so-in-so (whoever it might be that day) says: "Hey 'RockStar'...*pauses for me to stop for them*..."can you do this, that, oh! and the other too!" Grrrr. Now my concentration is completly BLOWN, where the hell did I leave off, "Hey that page doesn't go there, WTF, what happened here!." How is this all backwards and upside down now? WTF!!!"
It has even gone as far as one person, that I can't nick name (cause I actually really like him) tried interrupting me in the middle of a phone call! Wanna know why? No, allwell, I'm gonna tell you anyway...because HE wanted me to number his FUCKING report sheets 1 thru whatever. Can you believe that! I swear, not even bleeding. (meaning no real emergency)
*Sigh* Okay, there's my little rant for this week. Sorry it's not more exciting. Until my next bitch-fest!
Work Last Friday
I have been so busy that I haven't been able to post this, but have wanted so bad to share the story because I was highly amused by the whole thing.
Thursday was a bad day at the office. I was completely swamped with piles of work to do with our student not coming in and then Miss Thing leaving half day. Not to mention, Miss Thing worked on nothing of importance while she was at work and therefore only adding to my pile of crap on my desk. I didn't even get a chance to work on my own work until 45 minutes before my work day was over. I was very annoyed.
Miss Thing left early to take care of some personal issues that she was having and she thought that they would take her longer than what it did. She called and talked to our boss and said that she would come back, but our boss thought it best that she just stay gone the rest of the day. Miss Thing then told my boss that she doesn't know what is wrong with her or what is going on, but she knows that she has been so bitchy lately and not nice and snappy. She also pointed out that she ws fully aware that her and I had become very short with each other and so to be nice, she wanted to do a lunch, with just us, so that she can make up for all her bitchiness. I about lost my marbles when my boss told me this. I looked at her and started laughing. I was actually glad that she realized how bitchy she has been.
So Friday morning came and she showed up to work, late of course, with lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. I couldn't believe it. Why is she being so nice??? I don't get how she thinks that lunch one day is going to make up for all the work that she doesn't get done. I honestly could care less how bitchy she is. I just want her to do her work. I want her to get her fucking work done so it isn't piling up on my desk and causing me to do even more.
Lunch was wonderful though. I definitely left my office still full. I am hoping that since she realizes that I am being different with her that she will pull her head out of her ass and do more. Doubtful, but I can hope.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
More MIL
I can't believe I forgot to mentionn this yesterday. I am sort of a dusting and vacuuming freak. For me, vacuuming means first taking the hose off and going around EVERY EDGE of my house. Then getting under the couch and so on. Followed by vacuuming each room ultra thourough and making sure the vacuum lines appear in my carpet. Often times if I notice the canister is too full I will revacuum the room after dumping it, just to be sure. I usually dust weekly and you can often find me running to my laundry room to grab my swiffer duster for on the spot jobs I notice in passing.
This is why I was mortified the first time I visited my MIL's house. The first thing I noticed was that she doesn't appear to own a vacuum. So not only are the edges of her carpet gray and about an inch thick with dust, behind her furniture is soooo dusty there are now spider webs and dust bunnies that look as though there is a family of 4000 dust bunnies living and mating on a daily basis. If I was the type of person who got hives I would have broken out in hives upon seeing this.
You would think it couldn't get worse but it can. It appears she hasn't dusted since my husband was 12 and it was his job to dust. In fact, her trinkets are so caked with dust that you can't see the faces on them or the detail anymore. In her bathroom she has a doily on her toilet, the doily is so caked with dust you actually can't see the color of it anymore. The linolium where the toilet is, is lined in gray.
I wasn't sure how to take this so I asked my husband about it. He informed me that since she is old and in her fifties it was okay that she never cleaned anymore. I thought to myself great, only about 30 more years till I'm done with chores for good.
One day I was there and I got to witness her cleaning. She took an old dirty rag and wiped around some of the obvious stuff however, didn't wipe any of the trinkets or even move them. I was mortified by this. I had no idea how to respond. She has never dusted her picture frames, or the clock on her mantel or anything. Now if I was the sort of person to have allergies or freak out, I probably would have had to go to the hospital upon seeing this as it would cause me a major system shut down.
Yet, my husband has a fit if I leave mail on the counter or a pair of shoes out in the open. HUH!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
...Ghost Blog
haha J/K
I've decided it might be fun to post things on here about my mother in law. So that’s a new segment I'm going to start. Today's little gem. DISHES! Omg people this woman’s dish doing capabilities freak me right out. Little scenario. In her kitchen there is a plastic tub next to her sink, visualize a large tub of ricotta cheese. In the tub is some grayish water. In the water is some soap (maybe if there is any left) and a sponge. Obviously this is cold water since there is no magic plastic tub heating mechanism, and obviously there is no drain so this water never gets cleaned.
Now lets walk over and put a dish in her sink. She will then walk over, grab said nasty sponge from the tub rub the dish, rinse it and call it a day.
Wait, lets rewind. She just pulled the sponge out of the stagnant water and washed the dish. Umm NO!
So can you now imagine why when she comes to my house I practically beg her not to do my dishes. I have this cute little frog dish that sits by my sink. After the sponge is used, and thoroughly rinsed and dried the sponge sits in the frog. So you can imagine my horror when she does my dishes and I find a little puddle of nasty water sitting there. If she comes to your house to do your dishes she will put some soap on the sponge and not resoap or wash the sponge till the end. Then she still doesn't wash the sponge she just sticks it full of water in her little puddle of water in my frog.
So help me God it makes me break out in hives. This means that when she leaves I will rewash every dish in my house by hand and then for extra hotness power shove them all in the dishwasher on screaming hot and re clean them ALL.
Soooo what about you, anything your MIL does to drive you fucking insane?
Monday, September 17, 2007
...Hoity Toity Every Morning
Mood: FingGREAT


This has been my daily Sin for oh...I dunno...6 months now or so.
See how pretty it is though, how can I help myself??
And they taste ohhh sooo good. BETTER than Starbucks! We have the following accessories:
3 Different Espresso Machines
Half & Half, 2% Milk, 1% Milk, Soy Milk,
Raw Sugar and Sugar Cubes, Carmel Syrup (both original & sugar-free), Hazelnut Syrup,
and I'm still working on the Vanilla Syrup.
So, Starbucks...
Kiss My Buttachino!
Friday, September 14, 2007
..if he did it

So today the OJ “If I did it book” came out. And let me be the first to say on here that not only do I think it’s disgusting and revolting that he be able to do this, but I think it’s irreprehensible that he even got a single penny from it. Sources say the family of Ron Goldman will get a portion of the profits to pay the 33.5 million civil suit awarded to them and OJ and Nicole Browns’ children’s estate will get the remaining. But OJ was already paid some 800K for the book, which went to the court that he filed bankruptcy in. So he has profited in some way. Sick.
(For the record, I am not sure if he murdered Nichole Brown and Ronald Goldman himself, but if not, he DEFINATLY financed it, arranged for it, and is just as guilty as if he did it with his own two hands)
Here are some quotes from the MURDERER himself on the subject:
"I didn't beat her. I just pushed her out of bed." - O. J. Simpson
"Oh my God, Nicole is killed? Oh my God, she is dead?" - O. J. Simpson
"Nice people don't go around getting themselves knifed to death," O.J. Simpson
"I wish this wasn't an element of my life. That happened." - O. J. Simpson
I admit that i am interested in the book, but I would never read it, or give him the satisfaction of one more selling. I'll just listen to what Nancy Grace and Glen Beck say about it.
...Not Getting Better!!
Ok, sorry it's been awhile since I've blogged. I had computer issues at home and have been busy with work. But I can't take it anymore. Rude Ass is getting worse, and no one seems to care except me. The only reason I care, is because when she doesn't do something, it falls on me.
So things had gotten better for a short time. She made random comments about wishing people would ask her for help. I wanted to tell her the reason they don't is you get pissed when they do. She's gotten worse with speaking a different language, and then arguing about how it's her right, since we stole this country from her. Whatever!! I didn't steal anything from YOU. So quit saying I did!!! But here is why I'm so mad: Because she speaks another language, she has been asked to translate for different agencies. Which is fine, however, it always seem that her work load then gets piled on me.
We are responsible for covering another persons lunch. for along time, I have been by myself, so I took an hour of my day, everyday to cover lunch, cause it was my job. She starts and is upset because she has to do it for a week. I was like, cry some more Rude Ass, I did it for like 3 months straight. She didn't seem to agree with me. She thinks it's unfair she has to do it. Well, so do I, but it's MY JOB!! So I go to my supervisors, and let them know we need to work on a revolving schedule so that I'm not the one stuck doing it every day. They agree, and surprisingly, she does Rude Ass. This is her week, and guess how many days she's actually done her job? TWO, that's right 2 out of 5. She has been asked to translate 3 days this week, and funny how it happens at lunch every day!! So, now, I'm covering lunch 3 days this week, and hmm, next week she has a few lunch translation meetings too, so I get screwed no matter what. I just went hand had a discussion with my supervisor. He them said he would talk to her supervisor, and we would work something out. Funny thing though, Rude Ass didn't even tell her supervisor she was translating this week. Her sup didn't even know. I swear!! What is wrong with people!!!!!
....Staying to long
I'll never quite understand why people stay in bad relationships. Even more why people with kids stay. I just had a friend of mine tell me that for the past few years her husband has been physically abusing her but she waited three years and two kids to leave. I don't understand the logic. Why why why do people stay? Is it really that hard to leave? Personally I know if my husband ever laid a single solitary hand on me he would be gone faster then fast. He would not see my child again till compeleting counseling and there would never ever be an option for reconciliation. Just in case I would be tempted to stay I would blab about what he did to everyone I knew to make sure they mae me leave. So tell me, why do people stay in these kinds of environments. And is getting hit just once okay or how many times do you have to be hit before you leave?
Thursday, September 13, 2007
..E payments
so today was crappy crap day. woke up to gas co. turning off my gas, which was shocking to me since i have been set up to have my payment withdrawn from an account that always has money in it for like, oh, i don't know over a year.
so i called them. lady told me that 3 months ago my card appeared to be expired and so 3 payments had not been received. did they ever call me? no! did they ever write me a letter? and e-mail? NO and NO! (my card actually had changed, because my pin was compromised, so i guess technically it was my fault for not making sure this account was up to date.)
so i paid the bill immediately and called back to give them the confirmation number and to get the service turned back on. because call me crazy but we like hot showers, and to do laundry, and cook.
so the guy tells me that can't have anyone out to turn it back on until SATURDAY! and i told him that i need it sooner, i have children and cannot be without gas. in addition, i tell him to look at my history and he can see that it was practically a clerical error that caused the shut off. he says, sorry sat is all they have. i very nicely tell him, i will pay more if he can get someone out sooner. he then tells me "sorry if you don't like it, but that's what happens when you don't pay your bill." i almost lost it.
so i called back and talked to a woman who made me an appointment for tomorrow. I HATE THE GAS COMPANY!
Where is everyone?? Why is everyone so quiet and not posting??? Hope y'all are doing good and everything is ok.
Me? Today has been a shit day and full of stress. And it is so annoying that I don't even want to blog about it. I appreciate the feedback about Miss Thing. I really needed it and am continuing to bite my tongue. I guess she is realizing she is being a bitch because she talked to my boss about it earlier today. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
...almost at my breaking point
I need right now, more than ever, help in keeping my self calm and my mouth shut. It is literally taking everything in my power to keep myself from going off on Miss Thing. Her fucking mouth, her fucking attitude, her ENTIRE presence is just really about to set me the fuck off right now. I honestly think I could beat her to a pulp at this very moment!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
...something FISHY
This has been a strange week so far. I know, it is only Tuesday, but I am not lying...shit is just not normal. I guess maybe it started last week, but it has gotten very noticeable this week. Miss Thing is just not being herself. I don't know what it is or really how to explain it. All I do know is that Miss Thing is actually working. That's right...she is actually trying to keep on task and to herself and catch up on all that she is behind on. See, something fishy. That isn't like her. She doesn't keep to herself and just absorb herself in her work. I am wondering if her recent split with her psycho ex is adding to it, but whatever it is, it is starting to make me a little uneasy.
Now, she was late to work yesterday, but she really did work the majority of the day. She didn't seem to want to participate in any of the office gossip which is completely abnormal because she always seems to be in the middle of everything. I have mentioned how she refuses to answer the phone. Ha! Not lately. She is doing everything in her power right now to beat the student and I to it and is sickeningly sweet to everyone that calls. Honestly, we are just sitting here thinking, "What the fuck is going on?!?!!" Another thing that made our jaws drop was her jumping right up when the mail came and actually went through it and put it away. I honestly couldn't begin to even think of the last time she got off her ass to do the mail. No matter if the student was gone and I was slammed with my own work, she would never do the mail. So why the hell did she do it today so willingly? What the fuck is going on with her?
I want to think that maybe she is really trying to be a better co-worker and that she is trying to better her work ethic. But after everything, including the meeting we had, I don't really think that is the case. Which really leaves me wondering when shit is going to hit the fan. Because that is all that I am expecting at this point.
Another thing. Every time our boss gets up out of her office, Miss Thing is sure to go straight in there and get on her computer. Now I understand going in there and glancing at our boss's email to see if work has come in that wasn't distributed, but to actually sit down at her desk and be clicking around for minutes, is really unnecessary. It takes no more than two seconds to forward the work to yourself and it really doesn't involve a bunch of clicking. All it looks like to us is that she is in there snooping through our boss's personal emails. This isn't at all surprising to me. I know she always feels like she is being talked about and is very aware that my boss sit and email back and forth on a regular basis. Things just seem weird.
Monday, September 10, 2007
...i missed something
Mood: FingConfused
WOW! What'd I miss this weekend?? Sounds like drama drama drama. hahaha
Okay, so I'm understanding that somebody tried to out us huh! Okay....
This is still the wonderful WWW. We can do WHATEVER WE WANT.................HELL-FUCKING-O!!!!
I'm with the blog "masters" on this one. Leave us alone if you don't like what we are posting. See the reason for this blog is for us to VENT, RANT, RAVE, BITCH, COMPLIAN, & whatever else we feel like, not only that, but just cause it's in writing doesn't mean we still aren't entitled to our "FREEDOM OF SPEECH"
Another reason, are for you patetic motherfuckers out there who can't take the truth. See if you wouldn't get so goddamn butt hurt, some of us might be able to talk to you, but NO....reality bites, and you can't handle it!
So...with all that being said. Ahem....
To our little WANNABE party crashers: and I quote
end quote
I don't know if it was someone who is a member of this blog or if it was someone who just READS this blog- but in any case- SOMEONE read my Rubbernecker blog and decided they knew who I was talking about.
This person THEN posted an ANONYMOUS comment on someone else's blog (who they must think sucks at blog writing, considering they thought of them FIRST) with a link to my Rubbernecker blog. Obviously this person then immediately thought I was talking about them and called the administrator of this blog FREAKING OUT thinking it was THEM who posted it. Ummm WHOA THERE.
First of all there are several writers on this blog and WHY they chose the administrator of all people is just beyond me. Nobody can be sure of who anyone else is. NOBODY! So in my mind it just makes that person look all the more stupid.
Second of all, although I was using that particular post to vent about someone else's stupid blog post, I PURPOSELY left it vague. Do you all have any IDEA how many people there are out there that beg for comments? LOTS! Why you felt the need to single out this person, anonymously BTW is interesting and I don't understand why you did it other than to point out to the blogger in question how much you think their blog SUCKS. Which it probably does. I am not going to say one way or another.
What I AM going to say is this: before you go around outing other people for what they write, please consider having the balls to also OUT YOURSELF in the process. Stop being such an anonymous pussy. Seriously. Get. A. Life. Unless you think I am talking about you- LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE OUT OF IT! If you think I am talking about you- BRING IT!!!
You are so lame. Sooo soo LAME!
...Stupid Fucking People
Like the ones fucking with this blog and the people that are members of it. Honestly, the rules of the blog are clearly stated. There really are no rules people other than not mentioning names and with that, we are free to talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and WHO EVER we want...WHEN EVER we want. I don't see how the fuck people don't grasp that. Seems pretty clear fucking cut to me. But no. Some dipshit called and demanded to know who we all are. Yea, ok dipshit, we'll get right on that. We aren't stupid...obviously. I am so sick of childish fucking people playing little immature games. People that aren't authors of this blog and that read it need to keep in mind that we all come here to vent about things that we can't just say in our every day lives. We need a place to come to where no one knows who anyone is and can talk about anything and everything and be done with it. If we talk about you, get the fuck over it. You are probably being talked about for a reason. If you do something stupid, don't think we won't call you out on it. Because we will. And we will all be amused by making fun of you.
Whoever is trying to start shit, I suggest you backing down. Don't try to figure out who any of us are. And whoever is reading this blog and then going and trying to start shit with other people, quit. We are not here to play stupid little petty games. Find something better to do with your time.
in case you were wondering if britney had her big comeback last night, the answer is HELL NO! and can i just say that she looks totally confused and like she forgot how to dance. doesn't she have a choreographer? this is pathetic. and no i am not and never was a fan.
Let me introduce myself. I am the second administrator of this blog with Sassy. I have chosen to remain silent on this blog until now as I had nothing good to write about. But after this weekend you can bet all hell is going to rain down on this motherfucker. Some of you may have noticed that for right now this blog is viewable to blog authors only. The reason for that is I believe there is honor among theives or in this case honor among gossipers. This weekend I received a phone call from someone screaming at me over a post written by Funky Fresh. I was blamed for writing this post. I was also blamed for writing a post that was written by snowbunny because aparantly I'm five fucking people huh! After making it clear that I had not written that, the person who called me asked me to name all of you. AS FUCKING IF. You are all my bitches and the last thing I want is to blow anyones cover. I promptly said no, removed funky and told her she can return at a later time with a new name after this drama blows over and people aren't trying to desypher who is who. I informed this person that I am the other administrator ont this blog. That means that me and Sassy are like the God of this blog and shit is going to rain down if any one tries blowing any of our covers. I was more appalled to find out later that ANOTHER person who is not even an author on this blog was secretly reading and telling another person when things were being posted about them. You can believe this shit is not acceptable. First of all let me explain something to all of you. I probably know who most of you are. But like I said honor among gossipers however this honor does not roll over to piece of shit mother fuckers who come in and read this site and stir up shit. That being said, if you read this blog once it has been reopened and you in any way shape or form try and figure out who is who, get ANY author in trouble or fuck with any of us in anyway you can bet your ass I will publicly humiliate you so bad your momma will disown you! Is this shit understood. Don't temp me fuckers I'm a mean ass bitch and I just don't give a fuck. Like I said I chose to be silent on here and just watch the fun until some fucker felt it was necessary to call my house and fuck with me. So my secret gossip ladies, please let it be known this bitch has your back and I am going to fuck with the next person who tries in anyway to hurt any of us. Got it! So blog away bitches, and if I may make one request, make it dirtier and jucier then ever before just to fuck with the people who are jealous they aren't bad ass bitches like us!
Friday, September 7, 2007
...getting more frustrated by the minute
The day started off good. It was awesome seeing all the hot air balloons that were gorgeous and oh so close to my work. Not to mention, the morning was quiet, our student has been cracking my ass up AND Miss Thing was actually on time. But now as time is wearing on, Miss Thing is starting to irritate me more and more by the second it seems. She has been sticking her nose into everything that has NOTHING to do with her. Little things...stupid things. It is like she just isn't getting the attention that she needs and is seeking it or something. There was a computer/IT guy in here and asked for me to come learn how to do something and when we got in the hall he made some comment after a scene she made along the lines of, "Wow, rough day in the office huh?" Just goes to show I am not nuts here people. I just am tired of her not pulling her weight. It has been incredibly slow today and she still hasn't gotten shit done. Whatever. All my stuff is done and caught up and now I get to spend the rest of my day screwing off doing what I want.
Another thing that is getting to me today. I work with a bunch of guys and have known a lot of them for going on seven years. There are a few in particular that I am super close with. Well, this hasn't exactly been the best week for me and for some reason, Mr. Sweetness that I adore talking to and seeing on a daily basis was a total ass the other day. I don't know what the hell was up his ass or what went on, but all I know is that we aren't talking now. He knows that I am bothered with him and I told him why and he just is continuing to be a jerk. I don't know if he is doing it to get my goat or what. It is to the point that when he walks in the office, we just won't even speak to each other. And he makes rude little marks. I can't imagine him being serious about it, but all I know is that I am just in no mood to put up with that kind of bullshit from him or anyone right now because I am just a little cranky.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
i was watching something on the news earlier that got me going. it was about kids who end up f-d up because they didn't have the right up bringing. kids who become horrible people, drug addicts, wife/children beaters, etc, because their parents did it, or because they weren't taught better.
i agree to some extent that if a child is not shown love/respect/trust, they may not know how to give love/respect/trust.
but at what point does that become a crutch? an excuse for bad behavior? a cop out?
my husband was raised by a crazy mom, had a jack-ass dead beat druggie/boozer for a dad. suffered verbal abuse by both and watched his dad knock his mom around. yet my husband is the most well adjusted, sensitive man i have ever met. maybe more sensitive than i.
my dad was raised in a home where people were yelling and screaming all the time. there was no love shown. there was verbal and physical abuse, yet he is the most gentle man.
i am just so over people and their excuses. Lindsay Lohan is an addict because her family had issues. celebirty made Britney Spears a bad mom. suddenly every time someone f's up they blame someone else and then go to rehab.
i think they should go to rehab for going to rehab.
...the week being far
Things have been pretty quiet around work and really, that is how I have liked it. I haven't had to deal with Miss Thing since last Thursday and let me tell you all how much a treat it has been. I have been able to just do my own thing and not worry about her at all or having her make me crazy...which she seems to be super good at. I am just hoping that when she comes in today, she is just normal, calm, does her job, and doesn't irritate me. Lately I have had a few other things irritating me and she just seems to fuel the fire. That is why I haven't really been posting the last few days.
Anyhow, hope everyone has a good Thursday!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
...people driving me nuts!
Mood: FingGrouchy!'s one of those days...fucking people piss me off everywhere. So lately I haven't been driving cause I recked my fucking car. I know I shouldn't say this....but I HATE being the passanger now. It always seems that the person I am riding with are paying more attention to talking to me in the morning, than to actually driving! K PEOPLE, I just got into a reck! I'm scared to death of hitting another idiot, and vise versa. Fucking watch the road in front of you, GET into the lane you need to be in, and don't cut people off to get on the freeway just cause the laft lane is TWO cars shorter than the right!! Arrgghhh! Think ahead would ya already! There's other people on the road besides you, a little consideration would be nice. Just a little, I swear, I'm not asking for too much!
I know I shouldn't be bitching at all, seeing as I'm getting free rides to work, and I dearly LOVE the lady who gives me rides everyday. But I wish she would think ahead a litle more, so I would have to grab the "Oh shit" handle a little less. Haha
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Getting to know someone else...
I recently went on a trip with a girlfriend. Her significant other was also there, as well as a couple that he knows. I had never met the other couple but were told 'they were fun, they were nice'. They were nice enough but at the end of the weekend I could tell you how long they have lived where they live, where they lived before that, why they moved, what they did for a living, what they liked to do for fun, how long they had been together, how they met, and a few other random details.
They could tell you my name.
Since when did being interested in someone else (or at least pretending to be for the sake of common courtesy or pure boredom) go out the window with the dirty dish water? How is it that someone could sit there and answer question after question about themselves and NOT ONCE respond with a "What about you? What do you do?"
Now I used to be a shy person and wasn't always the first person to start a conversation with someone I barely knew but I always would ask questions if questions were asked about me. I just cannot fathom how you could sit there answering all these questions about yourself and not once ask something just completely blows me away that someone could be so self-absorbed to not even ask a single thing about me when I could tell you half their life story!
Now, since I am obviously pro free-speech and all I obviously don't comment on this person's blog and tell them how much I hate their writing... because, honestly, it has been done before. I just don't understand WHY I feel the need to read it! WHY!? Why does this person SUCK SO BAD!! Why is everything they write quite possibly the STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD/READ!?!
Uggghhh... OH... and the whole reason I am writing this in the first place: One of my most ENORMOUS pet peeves is people who beg for comments on their blogs (or myspace for that matter)... Now I am not at ALL dissing people who are asking for advice or anything like that, but this person full on posted a blog saying "PLEASE LEAVE ME COMMENTS! I WANT COMMENTS" boo hooo sniffle snuff! If you wrote something worth READING maybe people would leave you some dang comments!! OR NOT! Who knows!?!
Ok then. Just had to get that off my chest.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
...A Reply from Difficult Friend
A day after I sent my response to Miss Life Sucks I received the reply below. To my AMAZEMENT it looks like she took the high first glance anyway. I read it a few times and she doesn't own up to her needy behavior (which I didn't expect anyway) and she throws it back at me like my response was due to me going through a difficult time instead of real issues I have with the friendship. How rich of her! It makes me laugh.
Thanks for writing back. Wow, I do have to say that I am very surprised to see your reaction. I really don't want to go back and forth on what I agree and disagree with since you're going through some difficult times. You should focus on that right now. Perhaps my email came at an inopportune time, but I had no way of knowing that since the last tine we communicated was in February. Eventhough I don't know what's happened, I'm positive that everything will work itself out for you. Just try to maintain faith in God that it will.The purpose of my email to you was not to lay blame or put pressure or upset you. However, from the tone of your email it sounds like it did. I'm a firm believer that people should be honest with one another. I wanted to let you know how I was feeling and why and was hoping to hear about your thoughts and feelings. I'm glad you responded and appreciate your honesty. I do hope you get through this difficult time. Regardless of how angry you're feeling towards me right now, if you need anything or there's something I can do, don't hesitate to let me know.Take Care, Miss Life Sucks
The response is still about what she needed and her feelings. I can't work on this friendship because I see it as me feeding into her neediness and then I am back where I was. As far as I am concerned this friendship is done and my not responding to her should make that clear. I feel at peace with my decision since I got to be honest and say what was bothering me and why I retreated from this friendship. I gave her a chance to own up for some of her behavior and I was thinking she might. I guess that’s because I am the type of person that does not have a problem saying when I am wrong. In this case I feel I was right and I need to surround myself with friendship that enrich my life not bring me down.
Thank you all for you comments and advice!
......looking great on the beech!
My mother would be horrified that i have posted a photo with her on it! (the one at the front)
Saturday, September 1, 2007

by Former Party Girl
so, it's been brought up on here that MySpace is the kind of place that can turn "normal" people into stalking psychos who over analyze the changing of profiles and "top friends." i once was asked by someone if the reason why they were no longer a "top friend" was over a disagreement that we had had. (it wasn't in case you were wondering.) i laugh. i laugh because this person is 38 years old and seriously probably shouldn't even be allowed to have a profile in the first place. but that's not my point....
i've spent a fair amount of time on what i lovingly refer to as CrackSpace. we call it that because you can easily spend too much time on the site, as if though you were cracked out. i've gotten in touch with some long lost friends, a few former liked and disliked classmates. haven't found too many ex-boyfriends, not only because i just haven't taken the time to look, but i assume most of them are too drunk at the bar, in jail, or just too busy being losers to even have a computer let alone the internet. so while i think that MySpace is cool, I also think it's kind of lame because the same people who are filled with drama in their "real life", will make drama on CrackSpace.
for example: i know of someone who caught her husband cheating on her via MS, someone who found out that her ex was getting married on MS and started vicious rumors, and someone who is so obsessed with "top friends" that she randomly checks to see where she ranks. i also know people who stalk other peoples accounts. while i think all of this is a ridiculously immature way to interact, i can't help but feel a little sense of satisfaction when i see, a girl that was mean to me in high school is unmarried has three 3kids form 3 different dads and has "more to love". the guy who put my heart in a blender drank it like a protien shake, is here for "dating and serious relationships", and that the loser that asks why they aren't on my top friends is "online" constantly, all day, all night everyday.
don't ask me why, but when i am feeling a little down, or blue, i just log on and take a peek. and suddenly, i feel like the most normal, well adjusted, successful person.
add me! (just kidding)