Thursday, October 11, 2007

...stuck and unsure what to do

by Sassy

I have two friends. One I have been friends with for awhile and have known most of my life. We will refer to her as Miss Pees A Lot. The other friend, Miss Manners, I met through Miss Pees A Lot. I don't really talk to Miss Manners that much, but to Miss Pees A Lot enough to know when her feelings are hurt, if someone pisses her off, or screws up in her book.

Ok, so here is the situation. Miss Pees A Lot is pregnant and had her baby shower not long ago. She invited many people and since they were buying food and making tons of plans, having an exact head count was important. Come the day before, Miss Pees A Lot was sure of who was coming and all was set. The shower comes and everyone but one showed up. Can you guess who didn't show up? Yes, Miss Manners. Her not showing up is one thing, but there wasn't a phone call or anything. Not even a text message to say, "Hey something came up and I can't be there". NOTHING! Of course Miss Pees A Lot is human and her feelings were a little hurt. It wasn't so much that Miss Manners didn't show up. It was more that Miss Manners didn't bother saying she couldn't make it AND still hasn't bothered telling Miss Pees A Lot why she didn't or even mention in. Miss Pees A Lot STILL HASN'T HEARD ANYTHING from her.

To me, that isn't normal. That isn't very respectful at all, especially after Miss Manners almost wasn't allowed to go and then kept confirming that it was still on and she could go. I know that I would be so sad. I would be able to get over the fact they didn't come, but not even acknowledging it is just wrong.

How would you guys feel if this was your friends? Would you say something to Miss Manners? I don't know what to do. Maybe just not say anything to Miss Manners and be there for Miss Pees A Lot...

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