Monday, October 15, 2007

..the "good" ol' days

by: former party girl

there used to be a time not so long ago that i used to stay out all night, drinking an partying and having a grand ol time. i can remember when 2 am would roll around i would be sad because that meant that the night was over.

there were many mornings that i woke up with major headaches, and some serious nausea. nothing that couldn't be fixed with cheeseburger and a bloody mary or some herbal refreshment, if you catch my drift. if all else failed i could always just go back to bed and sleep it off....

that is, before i had a couple of kiddos, and you know, responsibilities.

so sadly, i learned this weekend (in an unsuccessful effort to drown out the annoyance of my hubby's buddy's girlfriends voice) that it is no longer fun AT ALL to drink so much that i get a hangover.

i cannot imagine anything more humiliating than having to wake up for that 4am feeding of your baby, while still drunk, and then having to put her down so that you can barf. sick. maybe it was the 16 beers? or maybe it was the bottle of zin that i had after that. either way, i learned my lesson big time.


Anonymous said...

Yep i remember learning that lesson and its not the lesson where you say never again for the hangover and then the following weekend you do it again, its horrid. I remember leaning over the cot and not trusting my self to pick my baby up, so having to get my husband to!

Sassy said...

hahahah! That cracks me up. I hate hangovers too, but I always seem to get them even if I don't drink that much. I have to be very careful. Mixing is never a good thing. Hope you feel better!