Thursday, October 4, 2007


by: Former Party Girl

I hope i don't offend anyone here i totally believe in the freedom of religion.....but maybe it will make you think.

my mil is into Scientology (LOL). why? i have no idea. probably because she is gullible. once she even fell for one of those email that says something along the lines of "hi, my name is so and so and i have a proposition for you. if you pay the taxes on the sum of 50 million i will send you half of the money."

well, the other night we were watching the hilarious episode of south park about Scientology. i tried to find it on you tube and this and this the best i could find. WATCH IT! it's freaking funny.

but it got me thinking because it says "THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT SCIENTOLOGOISTS BELIEVE" on the screen. so i checked it out and that's all true. those crazies really believe that crap.

then i found this.

and all i can say is whoa. i am totally freaked out that anyone, ever, could ever follow this crap. seriously. am i the only one that thinks this is cruisasy? (thats a jab at tom cruise.)

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